US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Yep a lot of opus dei nuts can do that too She’s an extreme cult Catholic. Woman’s rights/human rights are fucked for a generation or more in America when she is appointed.

One of her responses inadvertently revealed the mindset. She referred to sexuality preferences with the implication that being gay is some sort of lifestyle choice.

Judge Judy continues in a moment…

I’d say she’s filthy in the sack though

Catholics don’t care about human rights? What an oddball statement. There is no religious test for holding public office in the US nor should there be in any civilized country. Fire up the quote where she suggested being gay was a lifestyle choice.


"Asked about gay rights, Barrett said: “I would not discriminate on the basis of sexual preference. Her choice of words conspicuously suggested that to her, sexuality is a choice. Amid scrutiny of Barrett’s past, meanwhile, it has been reported that she was a trustee at a school whose handbook included stated opposition to same-sex marriage”

You’re a weirdo

The lad Gorsuch that Trump appointed is a brilliant judge as well.

Thanks pal. I apppreciate that. If being an anti-paedophiliac/catholic is weird I’m weird. You unfortunately seem to be an apologist for paedophiles

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Paedophiles :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: How’d you make that out? You’ve jumped about 20 post codes assuming her thoughts because she used the phrase ‘sexual preference’ then posted a Guardian article as evidence where, shock horror, she was a trustee at a conservative school.

You’re everything that’s wrong with the world in 2020.


Christ man put the brandy away.

It’s the phrase “sexual preference” which reveals her prejudice. Look up what prejudice means and apply it to the position to which she will be appointed.

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Well said here

You and the Guardian and your ilk are seeking out offence here and landed on this little nugget because there’s little to criticise her for. You know what you’re at.

Just cleared up by Amy, she apologized for any offense that may have been taken, but clarified she was specifically answering a question (as she was) on same sex marriage. You do know (I hope) that people choose their marriage partners based on issues other than sexual orientation? Also, the questions of sexual orientation and gender identity are highly complex and there is a lot of non scientific nonsense thrown around on the subject. There are plenty bisexuals for example that are attracted to both sexes but choose to marry a member of one sex.

The loony left are really struggling to find offense with Amy.

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Stop the press lads. The term “sexual preference” would now appear to be a microaggression.

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The usual suspects piling it on here I see


Whitehouse was an absolute cunt to her this afternoon. Never asked her a single question just ranted on about dark money.
