US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

You spelled porn wrong.

For those who haven’t been following recent happenings in the US, the following are the hot topics for tonight’s debate.

  1. Biden corruption. According to Republicans Hunter Biden allegedly set up a company while his dad was VP to act on behalf of companies in countries like China and Ukraine and allow them access to the US government, making $millions for the extended Biden family. According to Democrats this is a Russian disinformation campaign, including the two former business partners of Hunter who have come out to confirm the authenticity of emails the story is based on.

  2. Hunter Biden, alleged pervert. According to Republican sources the laptop that is the source of the Hunter Biden emails also has images of underage girls in sexual poses. I’d expect this one to hit the Internet on November 2nd. This will be offset by another 500 women claiming Trump grabbed their pussies in the 70s.

  3. Trump’s attorney, Rudy Guiliani, has fallen victim to a Borat set up and was filmed in a hotel room with his hand down his pants in front of a girl who told him she was 15. Guiliani says he was just tucking in his shirt.

  4. Trump’s major critic on CNN, Jeffrey Toobin, was caught masturbating in front of female participants on a Zoom call. Jeffrey and CNN have said the masturbation was accidental.

  5. According to the NYT Trump has a bank account in China and pays more income tax there than he does in the US.

  6. The FBI have disclosed that Iran is actively trying to influence the US election, posing as alt right nutjobs calling Democratic voters and threatening them with harm unless they vote for Trump. This is a strange one, I’m not sure what to say about it really.


Some shitshow for the race to be leader of the richest country in the world. I would short merika if such a long term trade was available

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I see Trumps tax returns didn’t make your list

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There doesn’t seem to be a single point on that list that any sensible person would bother engaging with.

Read it again, all his taxes are paid in China. Think of it in the same way as all Google’s taxes are paid in Ireland.


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But sadly that’s the place we find ourselves. What’s most tragic is people either flock to one side or the other, denying that Biden could be corrupt or visa versa. Anyone who has been paying attention since the time of Bill Clinton would know that Washington is riddled with corruption and pay to play for both domestic and foreign corporations is just the norm.

That’s a great line

Ciara Dohertys pronunciation of Biden is rather lovely

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She has a beautiful voice

A fine woman in many respects

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Apple are actually one of the least of the offenders in terms of tax avoidance, their effective tax rate is 26% and they pay a fair bit of tax in the US, unlike a lot of other Tech companies who pay zero. Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Netflix are far worse than Apple.

Have you seen The Social Dilemma? You’d be worried, and with good reason, all these new masters of the universe are only interested in furthering their online cartel but Netflix appear to have no qualms about sticking it to the rest of them in fairness. Its actually quite reassuring


Haven’t watched it yet but plan to, no surprise at what I have read though.

Why can’t people just get along?

Asks the nordie

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Tony Bobulinski (Former Hunter Business Partner) press conference on now.

Beans being spilled

No one could a Bobulinski seriously

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None of the networks, except obviously Fox, even covered it. He could well be a disgruntled ex partner of Hunter Biden’s, that’s the sense I am getting. Hunter probably spent all the Chinese money on crack and whores.