US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

You dont see many poet laureates on Fallon.

Whoā€™s this black preacher lad?

I was just about to comment that Garth had made clane shit of the stirabout.

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That guy was a radical, dangerous.

Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman.

Sheā€™s one of our lads.

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Meh, nice bit of contrast. Same with J-Lo singing a Woody Guthrie song.

She must be something to the Clontibret Gormans.

Mike Pense the dirty weasel sitting there. Very easy to switch sides once Trump was a dead duck. Not a peep out of him up to then.

He respected the tradition of the process, Iā€™ll give him credit for that. More than can be said for the other cunt.

No credit for the prick.

Did Paedophile Bill Clinton & crooked Hilary attend?

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Here come the rats.

Wrong log in bro


Yes, they were next to the Kenyan commie.

The Democrats only have to talk the talk.

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A nice bit of begorrah there in Mayo on the TV 3 news

Its a confusing time for them, the real anger will come later once it really hits home how theyā€™ve been strung up like kippers this whole time

If you canā€™t stand back and celebrate freedom, then whatā€™s the point of life?

The GOP are in full collapse mode
Marjorie Taylor Greene šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø Profile picture

Marjorie Taylor Greene :us:

4h, 4 tweets, 1 min read

My Authors

Hereā€™s the warning the GOP needs to hear.

The vast majority of Republican voters, volunteers, and donors are no longer loyal to the GOP, Republican Party, and candidates just because they have an R by their name.

Their loyalty now lies with Donald J Trump.

And that startedā€¦

ā€¦more than 4 years ago when the people chose an outsider over 16 other Republicans.

Trumpā€™s America First agenda are the policyā€™s the base wants.

And they will not support Republicans who wonā€™t fight for them and America First.


ā€¦I have heard from many people over the past few weeks that have told me they will never vote Republican, never donate, or never volunteer again.

They feel sold out by Rā€™s who didnā€™t fight harder against the radical socialist agenda that Biden & Dems are bringing in.


ā€¦It does not matter if we are in the minority.

It does not matter if Dems have control.

All that matters is that every Republican fight for America First at all cost!

Lay it all out there and give the people reasons to believe that America is not lost.

Be fearless.