US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

You should be ashamed of yourself, enabler

Has it passed the WUM / banter stage ???

The real president showing leadership here

Itā€™s at hijinks at the moment

ā€˜This is not protest, itā€™s insurrectionā€™ :clap: :clap:


Back under the table you. I should have known you wouldnā€™t be far away from trouble

Think about the children says Uncle Joe. Iā€™m crying here.

@POTUS has gone very quiet

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Biden stepping up to the plate here. Great speech.


Joe loves his flights of fancy. Probably helps that heā€™s senile

Itā€™ll be good to have a President back in the White House.

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He should replace Tom Selleck on blue bloods

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Outstanding speech from Biden. A real presidential moment.

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Too long. Challenge Trump to end it.

A speech to unite a nation

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He just did.

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Mugabe used make great speeches appealing to his enemies when he stole elections too

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ā€œ Step Up ā€œ President Trump.

The Qanon espousers will be seething

Trump is seething with Pence. Heā€™s lost it entirely.

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