US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

The mad thing is heā€™s making more sense than anyone else. Yes Russell Brand. Go through his YouTube its mental how on the ball he is. I fear he is the next target

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What a clown

ā€˜When a clown moves into a palace, he doesnā€™t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.ā€™

-Turkish proverb

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Brand is far right, they are coming for him

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Interesting to see that IL, NY and RI have ended their mask mandates.

The politics, I mean the science, has changed

Why does former Vice President Joe Biden have a fake White House set?

Mask wearing is mindless ritualisim at this stage

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Like saying the angelus when the bell rings

I do if of the same reason I went or mass or knelt for the rosary as a child .to make other people feel more comfortable.

Sure thatā€™s not even Joe Biden mate. He died half way through the election campaign. Wake up you sheep

Biden should have used a fake Four Seasons Landscaping Company set for the lolz.

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No, no, heā€™s in Gitmo along with other non-patriots and Trump is actually still president.
Trust the flan.

This may trigger some people

Another triumph for team O Biden :clap: :clap: :ireland: :us:

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This fucker seriously needs to be locked up. One can only shudder imagining how much stuff ended up in Russian hands.

does she have a nixer as a stewardess for aer lingus?