US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Theres a reason they have the electoral colleges to remove massibe biased in higher population states. Its easy to win the popular vote when Californa and New York will vote blue along with other big citys. Again have you ever been to the US? Seen what blue collar workers over there have to live with?

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The electoral college exists because of slavery. The electoral college exists because of racism.

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How did Trump do with Hispanics?

He lost heavily?

The European commission is the same, smaller countries have an outsized say. Both are deliberately designed like that so that California, Texas, New York and Florida don’t decide everything. Same as Germany, France, Italy and Spain in Europe.
The fact that you can win the popular vote and not hold the influence is the design, not the flaw.

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I thought he gained a lot of voters in that demographic

How did Trump improve the lives of “blue collar workers”?

I mean at least with Brexit they got blue passports.

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He did great, really really great, the Hispanics love him. Love him. They really do. And the blacks. The blacks love him too. They voted for him bigly


Black passports

He still lost heavily.

He gained mainly in Florida where the Cuban immigrants are fodder to be whipped into a frenzy by Goebbels-esque propaganda which brands anything other than anarcho-capitalist insanity as “communism”.

Yeah them stupid Cubans eh?

No it isn’t - the European commission wasn’t designed to give slave owners the whip hand. The electoral college was.

Your vote in a European election is worth twice a Germans


Were Germans stupid to believe Nazi propaganda?

Are Russians stupid to believe Putin’s propaganda?

Are DUP voters stupid to believe DUP propaganda?


European elections weren’t designed to prop up slavery.

I’m going to go with


I don’t think any one group of people is stupid

If you could answer the question that would be great.

I did.

No, you obfuscated.

It’s not a difficult question.

Here it is again.