US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

You’re scrambling badly these past few week.

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They have to impeach him. If they don’t, it’s a precedent that a President can do whatever the fuck he likes and walk away without sanction.

Right lads. Who posted this on Twitter. And where is @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy these days. Please dont say "in a secure location " or I’ll slap you

Of all the crazy toing and froing on the thread this is my favourite:

It’s 10 January, 2021, and you are still the dumbest cunt posting on TFK. You are mixing coups and riots. A disjointed group of people running through Washington DC is not a coup. Seychelles (1977), Madagascar (2009) and Honduras (2009) were coups. What we saw earlier this week was anti-regime rioting.

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You’re as bad as him.

Come the great reset we may never see exchanges like this again

You could spend your day going around after that lad correcting him.

I almost did. He’s a mate so go easy on him for me.

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It’s the small steps that empower them

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They werent disjointed and they weren’t running through washington DC, they were running through capitol buildings attempting to stop the democratic transition of power.

Anti-Regime you say? Which is the incumbent regime?

You fucking moron.

You fail to see the intent because of the result, because your boys fucked up, fucked up bigly

Biden has forgotten about it already sure.

My boys? I didn’t see anyone over there with an FAI jersey. You live in a very strange reality.

The result has nothing to do with whether or not an action is defined as a coup. But at least we’re narrowing down your scope of what defines a coup. What was the intent of the mob that ran through the Capitol building? Steal an artefact or two? Take a few selfies? Get shot?

The best definition you’ll find of a coup is “illegal and overt attempts by the military or other
elites within the state apparatus to unseat the sitting executive” (Powell and Thyne, 2011). Look at any recent coup and you will always find the massive presence of the army, in other words “elites within the state”. Small business owners and tradesmen are not “elites within the state”.


Biden was calling for healing and unity before the election, and now he’s likening prominent Republicans to Nazis. I have more than a sneaking suspicion that we’re soon going to find out who the real Nazis in American politics are.


Lads was this an attempted coup??

We’ll have to defer to the resident TFK professors of political science. @Lazarus and @EstebanSexface have re-written the definition of what constitutes an attempted coup.

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Ok, seeing as how you are a bastion of accuracy in this instance (but had no problem with lads repeating misinformation and lies in a recent incident) let’s call it an insurrection

Alex Jones :laughing:
The latest Knowledge Fight podcast is a good ‘un

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This is a decent read. The natives are feeling betrayed.