US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Bravo, more genius. You are a credit to your inbred family.

Fuck off you useless wank stain.

“Wankstain”, “inbred”, you are incredibly articulate.

I had that written before you used it again. :laughing:

You’re only a scab in the eyes of those KKK cunts, remember that.

I couldn’t care less what the KKK think.
You (and many others on here) are a racist prick however for your hateful rhetoric towards Ireland’s minority population.

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Get used to wank stain as it’s the only word that describes you.

That’s two words. :laughing:

apologies, wankstain.

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Apologies accepted, you Nazi apologist, although it was only one in this case.

Dry your eyes mate

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What a stupid racist cunt. He hasn’t a hope doing well in whatever course he is doing going by that interview.

It’s time to abolish the term “white nationalist” in favour of the term “Nazi”.

A disgusting term which has no relevance in America.

@anon7035031 hit the top shelf early today

Havnt had a drop mate, I’m in strict training for Sept 3rd.

A litany of empty bottles of green spot around the base of the paella pan.


Yellow spot as well, a bit of variety is great.

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It’ll get ugly later

“Keeping the base happy.”