US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

If what was the other way around? Trump has had the RNC against him from the get go. Fox have had a so so relationship with Trump (Hannity aside). This Russian “link” is actually coming from a combination of annoyed establishment Republicans and the Dems. The reality is that Assange hates Hillary Clinton, that goes way back, and would have preferred Sanders as the nominee.

Blah, blah, fucking blah.
Trump has a bump in the polls because every presidential candidate gets a fucking bump in a poll taken RIGHT AFTER their party’s national convention.

Trump’s polls have been going up for over a month. FACT.

Ignore the emails all you want. When the FBI Director goes up and trashes you on stage for your actions, there are some consequences. Independents will start looking elsewhere.

A few weeks ago Trump supporters were claiming “the system is rigged!” and the FBI director had been bought off by the Democrats.

Now apparently he “trashed” Clinton.

Funny how the goalposts move for spin purposes, isn’t it?

The FBI did trash her.

They didn’t indict her for political reasons.

Nobody said otherwise.

Wait until @Tim_Riggins tries to smear Jeremy Corbyn by saying he’s a Kremlin agent despite supporting Russia’s poodle Trump.

Yet another (I know) thing for Tim to be confused about.

Or, the reality - they didn’t indict her because there was nothing to indict her on.

I think you’re about 30 years late with that shit post. Putin might be an authoritarian, but he ain’t no socialist.

Once again, the only person confused here is yourself. Torn between upholding your “principles” in supporting Corbyn’s poor leadership and criticising the “Establishment” Blairites for undercutting him, and your new support for Democratic Party hack Hillary Clinton who rode the magic carpet of the DNC all the way to the nomination instead of your other hero Bernie. So so confused.

FFS, thanks for proving my point. You present a graph that shows Trump being fairly flat for most of July, then RIGHT AFTER the convention he gets a bump.
Sweet Jesus. It happens to every fucking candidate right after their party’s national convention.
A poll will come out next week showing Hillary has gotten a bump.
FFS, why am I even having this fucking conversation?

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Again, Tim, I have to correct you, and I know it’s really boring having to continually do so.

It’s you who’s confused about your own confusion.

Times 1000.

Jinx. No comebacks.

Nya Nya na nya nah. :grinning:

You said the polls are “no big deal”.

I pointed out that his march started in June, her numbers fell. It isn’t just a “Convention Bounce”.

Anyone who actually follows this would know that.

Weak poster.

The sad thing is, at best out of all of your confusion on what position to take, you’ll get a DINO in the White House and another 10 years of Tory rule. But you’ll be ideologically pure at least. :grimacing:

You’re the man who said Sanders wasn’t electable on a national scale despite the polls continually showing him trouncing Trump.

Laugh. Out. Loud.

the very fuck graph you posted yourself shows him hovering between 39.5% and 41% for most of July, then he jumps 3.5% RIGHT FUCKING AFTER the RNC.
Are you fucking thick?
That’s a classic Convention Bounce, and it means fuck all. Just like the bounce Hillary will get in polls published next week will be equally fucking meaningless.

Sweet mother of fuck.

As I pointed out Sidney, those polls cannot be taken seriously. It was at the point where there was a three way race - with two candidates (Trump and Clinton) being the most disliked by Independents in the history of elections. If Sanders had become nominee, his positions would have been under relentless attack. The Republican Establishment who have left the stage for this campaign, would be on board to attack Sanders from left and right.

Someone with Bernie Sanders positions is not electable as President in the USA yet.

And as I pointed out to you (which you ignored), a similar phenomenon was on display with Kasich. Wait until a big boys campaign with Kasich vs Clinton and see the numbers.

The graph shows him moving upwards from the point that the FBI annoucements were made, and hers downwards. It is bigger than any “convention bounce”. I didn’t deny he got one (I said the Republican core vote was shored up), but I pointed out it was part of a larger trend which you are desperate to ignore. 68% now do not trust her, that has gone up.

And as I pointed out to you (which you again ignored), this convention is not a “normal” DNC. How many has email leaks on the eve showing preferential treatment for one candidate? How many have the DNC Chairperson being forced to resign on the eve of it? Has protests from another party canidates zealots outside and has some of his delegates booing the Presidential nominee on the floor?

No, the poll shows him being more or less fucking flat for the bones of 3 weeks. Hovering between the 40th and 41st percentile is statistically insignificant. He then takes a more noticeable leap, RIGHT AFTER the fucking convention.
Blah fucking blah Clinton thisthatandtheother.
Get back to me next week after Hillary jumps back in front in the polls and tell how bad the DNCon was for her.

Jesus, but you have some horn for Trump, you are wishing him to win so bad.
You and your mate @anon7035031 are going to look like right tools come the first Tuesday evening in Nov after HilClin wins in a canter.
So when is Hills going to jail? Weren’t you telling us a couple of months ago that she’s he locked up by now?

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Now you’re saying I have a firm position.

And saying Clinton will win, after months of saying Trump will win.

Confused Tim strikes again.

In the space of a month, a 7 point gap has been overturned. Them’s the facts pal. You call this “desperate” for him to win and think it’s just some wishful thinking, but it’s actually a FACT.

I said she should go to jail for wrongdoing, which she should (and Bernie Bros agree with us here, TFK “socialists” take note-

I’ve always said this would be an extremelly tight race and made no gurarantee of victory. What I said was the email scandal would destroy her credibility (and she should go to jail) and that once the debates begin all bets are off. Labane has said that the economy is the important thing and it’s hard to disagree.

No mate, I said “at best”. Learn to read.

Can you pleas give everyone your response regarding the Democratic Party Establishment undermining Bernie Sanders? You have no problem making claims about the British Labour Party “establishment” (Blairites), but are running here. Real Sanders fans are livid. Is it because the sources you follow on Twitter (Salon, Slate- I’m guessing) and get all your opinions from are still backing Clinton?