US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Ooooft the forum lefties must be torn

Yet another way for @Tim_Riggins to be confused now.

He’s now up in arms at party establishment figures trying to undermine a left-wing candidate in the US, but cheerleads such tactics against a left-wing party leader in Britain.

Is there no end to your confusion, Tim? :smile:

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Point me to where I said I was upset over this?

You’re doubling down on your confusion, now, eh?

What a surprise.

Can you point out the confusion here Sidney, I made no comment on my opinion of the matter, just what a tricky one it is for the forum lefties. Indeed the only confused one here is your good self.

No. Tim. It’s definitely you who’s confused.

How is your support for Iraq War supporting Hilary now Sidney, now that you know the establishment went to every length to undermine Bernie?

:joy: to be fair, this Bernie Bro has smashed it.

Who’s Hilary?

Hilary Benn? Hilary Duff?

First polls since the finalisation of both tickets are encouraging for Trump. Virtually neck and neck on polls of polls.

It will be tough for Clinton to get a convention bounce with the email shit show. Wiki Leaks are drip feeding the emails out.

Poor effort at deflection onto Donald from the Lib Media so far.

The DNC leadership are proving to be as out of touch with their rank and file as the RNC. Their response to the latest email scandal is to appoint Donna Brazile as the new DNC chair, who was up to her neck in trying to derail Sanders as much as Schultz. Meanwhile Hillary has appointed Schultz as her campaign manager. The arrogance of these people is unbelievable, its basically we will do what we like no matter whether its illegal, against our own rules, or unethical.

Trump as expected got a boost from last week and is now leading in the latest CNN poll. Schultz booed off the stage this morning and Pelosi also booed at an event in California. Challenging times for the DNC. Will be interesting to see what Sanders has to say tonight, will he swallow his pride and support Hillary, or will he pull a Ted Cruz?

When the Clinton News Network put a poll out like that, you know she’s in trouble.

I thought he had already endorsed her

He has, but now he has to get up in front of a crowd and do it, many of whom hate her guts and won’t vote for her after the email revelations. The DNC basically decided before the primaries started that Hillary was the nominee, so much for democracy. I’d say Bernie is seething.

Mother of Christ. You’ll have republicans voting for Clinton, because they can’t stand Trump and Democrats voting f I really Trump for the same reason. How big an influence is the running mate on both sides? Can a wisely chosen running mate tip the balance either way?

Bernie has the bros all worked up here before the convention even starts.

Jaysus he can barely get through this. They won’t shut up.

Nope, both have picked safe choices that won’t grab any limelight. It’ll be a fight to the death at the debates, and someone will crack. My money is on Hillary cracking and having a mental breakdown, she has previous.

All of this is extremely fascinating stuff. Worrying but fascinating.

Surprising how anti Hillary a lot of these democrats are. A lot of Sanders supporters will vote for Gary Johnson and some are even considering voting for Trump :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

A lot of Democrats apparently just don’t like Hillary.

Great start for the Dems