US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

I know he’s a nutter but that satanic cow will destroy the planet. I’m going for Trump here.

That’s a bit rich coming from someone who not 24 hours ago was completely befuddled about the protocol of what happens if there’s a withdrawal by a presidential or vice presidential candidate. Go away and read up on Thomas Eagleton and the 1972 campaign. You’re just embarrassing yourself here with your basic lack of knowledge and insight.

It’s nice that you’ve had 24 hours to research it yourself, you couldn’t answer it at the time.

Wrong way round chief. Trump will destroy the planet. Hillary will corrupt it. Take your pick

Only a neanderthal in a neanderthal backwater like Australia hasn’t heard of Thomas Eagleton. As the last occasion a candidate had to pull out, his health travails and ultimate withdrawal in 1972 got a good airing in the media again there last month when Lying Hillary collapsed and was then caught out lying about her pneumonia and failing health.

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A Trump supporter calling someone a neanderthal, you couldn’t make it up. How does your beloved church feel about you supporting someone who thinks sexual assault is ok? Actually, don’t answer that. You’ve backed the wrong horse Geoffrey and you’re scrambling to justify yourself, take a Berocca and have a lie down. Maybe wake up in January for the inauguration of crooked Hillary.

[quote=“Fitzy, post:2818, topic:19437, full:true”]take a Berocca and have a lie down.

Bit of an oxymoron there chief

Wrong way around my bollox. She’s a sneaky war mongering cunt. Led the jets into Libya on lies destroying a stable nation governed by a model leader in Gaddafi filling western media with outrageous propaganda blackening the man. A fucking outrageous satanic cunt hiding in plain sight. At least that Trump nutter is straight and is somewhat acceptable. Don’t be taken in by that false integrity, she’s a black hearted evil cuntess who will bring the world further in chaos. Are you people blind and stupid? The agenda is so fucking blatant. Suckered in by the whole pantomime. America has gone rogue, the world is fucked.


Real hard man stuff there putting the boot into the Roman Catholic Church from 11,000 miles away in godless Van Diemen’s Land. Did you play the hard man like that in the classroom, in school mouthing off to the Faithful Companions of Jesus nuns after they were good enough to take you in off the street and give you an education? They should have sent you to the Thick when you turned up Day 1.

You must have been horrified when your bird Hillary picked a Jesuit educated Roman Catholic as her running mate.

Trump is an alright Sort .


You clearly have no understanding of Christianity. The way Christianity works is as follows:
Other than the guy nailed to the cross, we are all sinners. When you sin you say sorry and you get forgiven. The God fearing people of America understand that, they forgave Bill for all his indiscretions remember. I wouldn’t expect heathens like yourself to understand.

Jesus was a sinner and required baptism to cleanse his original sin. It was his ould lady who was sin free.

Another idiot who doesn’t understand Christianity.
Jesus was without sin, he was/is God, remember. He was baptized (and crucified) to absolve all of us from our sins.
Fuck me, there’s a lot of dimwits around here.

Was Mary ever guilty of sin?

Likely yes, as she was human. Only the Catholics believe she was sinless (something they made up, like a lot of their beliefs).

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The understanding I have of Christianity is that it is pretty much customised on an individual basis to suit the lifestyle of the person who pro=claims themselves to be a christian. Therefore you can have a gay christian, a Ku Klux Klan christian, a born again christian, a christian preacher who has an affair with his secretary, but gets forgiveness so it’s ok, etc etc etc. I doubt any of us understand it.

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For someone I thought had absolutely no sense of humour, I found that post quite funny Geoffrey, I even allowed myself a laugh. It’s been a long long time since the Faithful Companions of Jesus took anyone in off the street. They generally want to see your parents financial bona fides before allowing you in their classrooms now, not that many, if any, of the nuns themselves do any of the teaching. It’s all godless left wing pinko commie union members teaching the children now.
And we’re still on the my bird Hillary thing as well, as usual ignoring the fact that I can’t stand her and have never supported her. But don’t let facts get in the way Geoffrey, a common theme in this election.

Speak for yourself.
The basic tenets of Christianity are quite simple, such as:
“Judge not, that ye be not judged” Matthew 7:1-3

And, so few Christians live by it?

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Correct, because they are sinners.