US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Another idiot who doesn’t understand Christianity.
Jesus was without sin, he was/is God, remember. He was baptized (and crucified) to absolve all of us from our sins.
Fuck me, there’s a lot of dimwits around here.

Was Mary ever guilty of sin?

Likely yes, as she was human. Only the Catholics believe she was sinless (something they made up, like a lot of their beliefs).

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The understanding I have of Christianity is that it is pretty much customised on an individual basis to suit the lifestyle of the person who pro=claims themselves to be a christian. Therefore you can have a gay christian, a Ku Klux Klan christian, a born again christian, a christian preacher who has an affair with his secretary, but gets forgiveness so it’s ok, etc etc etc. I doubt any of us understand it.

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For someone I thought had absolutely no sense of humour, I found that post quite funny Geoffrey, I even allowed myself a laugh. It’s been a long long time since the Faithful Companions of Jesus took anyone in off the street. They generally want to see your parents financial bona fides before allowing you in their classrooms now, not that many, if any, of the nuns themselves do any of the teaching. It’s all godless left wing pinko commie union members teaching the children now.
And we’re still on the my bird Hillary thing as well, as usual ignoring the fact that I can’t stand her and have never supported her. But don’t let facts get in the way Geoffrey, a common theme in this election.

Speak for yourself.
The basic tenets of Christianity are quite simple, such as:
“Judge not, that ye be not judged” Matthew 7:1-3

And, so few Christians live by it?

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Correct, because they are sinners.

I’d think it’s probably more because it suits them.

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The issue is hypocrisy pal. You would swear listening to the cuntflaps bleating on CNN and MSNBC that we live in a society where women are respected and lewd language doesn’t exist. Have any of these cunts ever listened to a bit of hip-hop? Who do these people think they are fooling? The kind of language used by Trump in the video is pretty typical across all male demographics in the US, and in particular among the male demographics that support Clinton.

Hypocrisy is the #1 sin that Jesus spoke of. Look at the number of times it is mentioned in this section alone:

Another cry for help from @Fitzy . Pray for him.


You know what they need to be? The best prayers, huge prayers, I’m gonna love these prayers, these prayers are gonna be so good, I’m going to be beggin you to stop.

But just because this kind of language is commonly used, does that mean it’s acceptable for a President to use it? If you heard your son speaking in that manner about women, would you be happy? If he did (just as an example, I’m sure you’ve raised your children well Labane and I doubt any man from Galway would talk about women in this manner), does he just point to the Pres and say if it’s ok for him…? Leaders set standards. Trump is setting standard, but not the one we want. You can’t defend him by deflecting it back to HRC either, just because she’s a disgrace, doesn’t give licence to justifying anything he says.

A very superficial analysis pal.
He wasn’t the president, he was a private citizen and it was 11 years ago. Give me a break with would someone think of the kids, 1) they are bombarded by offensive demeaning sexuality constantly by the media, and 2) thankfully my kids escaped it, but back in 1998 the main topic in the schoolyard was a president having his cock sucked in the oval office, and shoving a cigar into a young female’s box. Some standard to be setting for a president in office.
The Democrats and the their lapdog media squealing about appalling language are simply hypocrites… and yes, for what it’s worth my son would never speak about women like that and nor would I, but unfortunately we live in a society where it is commonly used language, ironically enough mostly by the media who are obviously more influential than any individual.

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That’s a very superficial amount of whatabouttery right there though mate.

Not really. The media (and you, it appears) are basically saying Trump’s inappropriate language of 11 years ago should disqualify him from being president. Sorry folks, that horse has already bolted long ago. When you bombard the airwaves with smut 24 hours a day (you will hear far worse than Trump said on TV all day every day, let alone all the horrendous stuff online that kids are exposed to), elect a president who was a known sexual predator, and then leave him in office after the details of the Lewinsky scandal, then sorry, no leg to stand on. It’s simply outrage from the PC brigade, squealing like pigs about demeaning language, while their kids are at home watching porn or listening to gangsta rap.


This is the second time in my lifetime that the Republicans have got into trouble over pussy. In 1976 Secretary of State for Agriculture Earl Butz had to resign for making the following remark.

“I’ll tell you what the coloreds want. It’s three things: first, a tight pussy; second, loose shoes; and third, a warm place to shit”


A surname like that should have automatically disqualified him from political office.

It’s demeaning towards women, homosexuals and anti-smokers.

No ifs, no Butz.