US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

You have been reported for Sexism.

Financial Markets down for yet another day

Trump for president financial spreads up for yet another day

Trump for president in the key states up for yet another day

Amazingly, Trump for President could actually happen.


I read exactly what you said.

If the last week or 10 days of a campaign wasn’t important there wouldn’t be much point in politicians campaigning.

A pretty troubling picture of what’s happening inside the FBI in terms of it being used as a tool of partisan political interference.

The story has been rubbished by ABC, NBC and CNN.

An infraction of one week has been imposed on @anon7035031 on this thread for posting untruths. By the laws of TFK, he is duty bound to adhere to it.

It’s nothing short of an attempted coup by the intelligence services.

And i believe its pretty much a waste of time.

If Alex Jones says it’s true then it must be dammit

After being cool with all the entrapment and surveillance and harassment of Muslims, now the Democratic party stalwarts have a problem with the FBI.

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More evidence of the FBI’s pro-Trump political partisanship.

The footage of Giuliani smugly hinting at the letter on the way from Comey is sickening.

Also, Michael Moore looks rough. Even for him.


Moore don’t look the part of an anti America American .

That is crazy.

Like limerick scum to me

Irish elections expect Adrian Kavanagh has summarised thusly

Which is unsurprising, given the mainstream media are in bed with the Clinton campaign, as has been made abundantly clear by WikiLeaks. CNN have lost all credibility as an impartial news outlet, after hiring Donna Brazile, the chair of the DNC, who then leaked questions to the Clinton campaign before a CNN hosted debate.

I rarely quote Fox News, which is why I added the “consider the source” warning. You should do the same when you (frequently) post articles, who are just as biased as Fox on the left.

An elite poster does not back down.

The conflict going on is not within the FBI, it’s between the FBI and the Justice Dept. It is not that hard to connect the dots and see what’s going on.

Comey’s job was to investigate the claims that Clinton used a private server to handle classified information, a federal offense, and the hand over his findings to the Justice Dept to decide whether to indict or not. The day before Clinton was to testify to the FBI, AG Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton in her private jet in Vegas. When this became public, Lynch effectively recused herself from the investigation, stating she would accept Comey’s recommendation.

That’s the source of the conflict. Lynch pressured Comey into an impossible position. It isn’t the FBI’s job to determine whether an indictment should be handed down or not. Lynch should have delegated the decision to her deputy AG, Sally Yates.

The most partisan dept in Washington isn’t the FBI, it’s the justice department.