US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

@anon7035031 vindicated again. One of the many hysterical stories of Trump Russian links turn out to be complete tosh - quelle surprise.


You have the gall to call anyone a sheep when you mindlessly believe any old tosh reported by left wing rags. Up your game mate, you’ve been consistently destroyed here and elsewhere.

Oh dear, the champions of the downtrodden and arch enemies of the evil capitalist system are under investigation by the FBI for bank fraud.

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There is only one poster on this thread with a proven record of posting fake news. You.

I’ll just leave what you posted on May 22nd here again for posterity.

You didn’t deal with any point I made in my previous post, by the way, because you haven’t got an answer to it, and you also couldn’t cite one example of fake news I posted.

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What’s Bernie Sanders under investigation for, mate?

Oh yeah. Nothing.

More classic Fake News @anon7035031

Is this why they are referred to as Fake News?

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Is English not your first language? What part of “for now has to be regarded as a conspiracy theory” is difficult for your little brain to comprehend.

The Seth Rich murder is a very odd case. The official story is it was a robbery, and yet even though there were no witnesses around at 3AM in the morning to disturb the assailants , he was found by police with $2,000 in cash and valuables on his person and had been shot in the back. It has all the appearance of either a hit or a serial killer.

I’m from Dublin, mate. English is our first language in Dublin.

One has to assume it’s not your first language though, given that you couldn’t tell the difference between singular and plural.

You’ve just gone and clamped the fuck out of yourself by once again admitting that you were posting up a conspiracy theory.

And yet you accuse others of posting up or believing “fake news” with no evidence whatsoever to state that, while flagrantly doing it yourself - and apparently completely oblivious to any irony in that.

I don’t care where you are from, you would get an F in English comprehension.

Someone posting media articles based on no evidence or anonymous sources and not questioning the source, which you do all the time, is guilty of disseminating fake news. As long as the source is left wing and anti-conservative, you fall for it hook, line and sinker.

In the case of the Seth Rich story, by clearly stating it has to be regarded as a conspiracy theory for now, that’s called honest reporting. Not that honesty is something you have any familiarity with.

My comprehension of English is infinitely better than yours, pal.

You still haven’t addressed your inability to distinguish between the singular and plural forms.

That’s basic stuff.

Yet again you furiously bluster away about my posting, yet you can’t cite one example where I have put up fake news. That’s because I don’t.

Whereas I’ve given actual examples of you posting fake news.

As well as having an inability to understand basic concepts in English, you don’t have a clue what fake news actually is.

“Fake news” to you, is anything you don’t like. The exact same definition of “fake news” as a certain Mr. Trump.

You’re nothing but a talking parrot with an inability to think for yourself.

And you are actual fake news.

I rarely post an article and if I do it’s almost always from a reputable source. You post every piece of left wing garbage and hysteria you can find, and never question it.

You have zero self awareness and are basically a spoofer with no ability to think for yourself.

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I just posted up most of that line.

Here’s what I wrote.

And you parrot it because you’ve got nothing else.

Deary me.

You rarely post an article because it’s clear you rarely read.

If there’s one thing I am, it’s self-aware.

Everything that isn’t Trump is “left-wing garbage and hysteria” as far as you’re concerned.

That became obvious a long, long time ago.

Again, you can’t quote one thing to back up your bluster. Go on, I dare you.

It would be nice not to have to debate with a binary. Unfortunately, everything about you and your politics is a binary.

You are the most binary person on this site.
Capitalism bad, socialism good, is the extent of your cognitive ability.

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Again, nothing but more empty bluster.

I’m binary when it comes to binary things, such as your binarity.

You’re binary when it comes to understanding how an economy works. When you encourage innovation, risk taking, and a positive work ethic, good things follow. Encourage government hand outs as a substitute, you get larger and larger government to sustain it. Sadly, your cohort only understands that concept when the money runs out.

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In your world “encouraging innovation” is a euphemism for slashing taxes for the richest.

Pity there’s no actual evidence to suggest it brings anything other than disaster.

“Encouraging government hand outs” is a euphemism for “screw the poor”.

“When the money runs out” is a tremendous right-wing cliche.

Pity for you that it’s most applicable in countries like the US and the UK which have most embraced neo-liberalism, while Germany, France, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway are on a far more sure footing as regards their economies.

Encouraging business led to the greatest expansion in western economies in history from 1980 to 1999, including most of the countries you mentioned. Government, and central banks in particular which are a branch of government, destroyed western economies by interfering in free markets.

You obviously are incapable of understanding this or don’t want to. I would encourage you to study Mises, the greatest economist of the 20th century. Not his followers, like Hayek and Friedman, go to the original source to learn how unfettered economies work.

Again, “encouraging business” in your world is a euphemism - a euphemism for slashing taxes for the richest.

The Bush tax cuts in the US were an example of the economic disaster that happens when you destroy the tax base.

The US’s Congressional Research Service found no correlation at all between tax cuts and economic growth.

The results of the analysis suggest that changes over the past 65 years in the top marginal tax rate
and the top capital gains tax rate do not appear correlated with economic growth. The reduction in
the top tax rates appears to be uncorrelated with saving, investment, and productivity growth. The
top tax rates appear to have little or no relation to the size of the economic pie.
However, the top tax rate reductions appear to be associated with the increasing concentration of
income at the top of the income distribution. As measured by IRS data, the share of income
accruing to the top 0.1% of U.S. families increased from 4.2% in 1945 to 12.3% by 2007 before
falling to 9.2% due to the 2007-2009 recession. At the same time, the average tax rate paid by the
top 0.1% fell from over 50% in 1945 to about 25% in 2009. Tax policy could have a relation to
how the economic pie is sliced—lower top tax rates may be associated with greater income

All of those you name there were crackpots and I’ve read enough shite written by their followers to know that.

Magic money tree economics.

Sorry, you’re both wrong and beyond redemption.

Maybe your weren’t around in the 80s and 90s, but they were pretty good times. All brought about by a business friendly environment (including Bill Clinton who I voted for twice, so much for your binary bullshit). The only path to a prosperous and democratic society is capitalism, study the history of western civilization.