US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Fuckin yawn already.The DEMS need to take a good hard look at themselves, fuckin reelecting polosi,ffs,these old cunts need to be put out to grass,FOAD.This shit wouldn’t be going on if Teddy was about he’d had knocked the shit outta trump

It certainly doesn’t come across that way.

Science cannot be ideological. Those who practice science may have an ideological bent. I t may or may not affect their work.

Those who practice science with an ideological bent and carry that ideological bent into their work will quickly be found out. And they’re overwhelmingly in the anti-anthropogenic climate change camp.

Claiming that science is ideological is by definition an ideological position, and that’s what that Scaramucci chap fell into doing.

The basic premise that human activity is contributing to warming the earth’s climate has been effectively settled, and it was settled a long time ago. Only cranks, shills and idiots dispute this.

Quite a few of them have been named in the Trump administration.

I think you rather overestimate the amount that “followers” of a religion think through every position a religion officially holds.

I also think you rather overestimate the amount of followers of religion in Ireland, given that you say that “most people in Ireland” believe in creationism. 63% of voters here voted to legalise same sex marriage, remember. Legalising same sex marriage directly contravened the position of the Roman Catholic Church.

As I’m sure you’d be aware, if you could somehow remove that zealot’s hat you constantly carry around on your head, the vast majority of people are baptised into a religion without choice and don’t conduct in depth investigations into the ideological positions of their religion.

I was baptised as a Roman Catholic as an infant, and as I haven’t bothered to officially excommunicate myself from that Church, I guess I’m still officially a Roman Catholic, although the religion or its teachings itself mean pretty much nothing to me - I might go to mass at Christmas, or Winterval, as I like to call it.

I don’t believe in creationism.

Now, Trump voters all voted out of free choice. Trump’s position was that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by China.

If you’re to be consistent and maintain the position, which you have indicated you hold, that all people who are baptised (not by their own choice) into a religion by definition hold every position that their religion does, to be consistent, you’d have to say all Trump voters must believe everything he says, ergo they all must believe climate change is a hoax perpetrated by China.

I’m not saying that, by the way, although I think one could make a more plausible argument to defend that position than to defend the position that all Christians, Jews and Muslims are creationists, which is a plainly idiotic one.

I[quote=“Sidney, post:4546, topic:19437, full:true”] Science cannot be ideological. [/quote]

Spoken like a true zealot! The question whether science is or can be ideological or not is a philosophical one, and like all philosophical questions there are multiple answers (study Popper and Feyerabend for contrasting views*). Given the history of science, its really difficult to argue coherently that it’s not ideological, Popper or no Popper. The problem is science is not some defined truth, it’s open to the same flaws as any human quest for knowledge. I could give you several examples of well established theories, where contrary evidence has been uncovered, but then a new hypothesis quickly developed to explain why the theory still works. Science and scientists get very attached to their theories, as Max Planck once said, new theories only get accepted after all the proponents of the older theory die off.

The term settled science is an oxymoron, “used by real morons to convince their fellow morons, at the expense of everyone else, moron or not”.

Nowhere have I said that everyone professing to be religious (nevermind being unwillingly baptised into their religion) must hold every position that their religion does. However, there is one thing that unifies all those who profess to be Christian, Jew or Muslim - they are all creationists, otherwise they are not Christians, Jews or Muslims. The most fundamental belief of the Abrahamic religions is that the universe and life has a divine origin. If you don’t believe that then you are not a Christian, Jew or Muslim, no matter whether you go to church once a year, every day, or never. There is no such thing as a Christian who doesn’t believe in God*, that’s another oxymoron, but I suppose someone who believes Marxism can work can believe anything.

The word creationist has been abused to death in the US in the debate regarding evolution. Religion and Science are, in the words of the great evolutionist S.J. Gould, non overlapping magisteria. Attempts by fundamentalist Christians to invade science are idiotic, as are attempts by zealot scientists like Dawkins and Krauss to invade religion. In both cases neither has a fucking clue about the subject matter they are challenging. The ones that take the biscuit though are liberal atheists, who somehow manage to be frequently blissfully ignorant on both topics.

  • For full disclosure, I am a Christian Agnostic.

Thundering gobshites

No surprise he’s involved in the Trump revolution then

Physical science is not human, therefore it cannot be ideological. Practitioners of science can be ideological, as they are human.

You’ve already said that most people in Ireland believe in creationism.

No offence, mate, but I imagine you’re quite out of touch.

You might want to spend a bit more time here before making such big claims about what people believe.

That’s not what you’ve said previously.

Being ignorant about subject matter has never stopped you wading into debates.

Didn’t you call for Islam to be banned? :grin:

The Oxford definition of agnostic is: “A person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God.”

But given you call yourself a “Christian Agnostic”, you’re also a creationist, obviously.

Now that’s an oxymoron.

I suppose somebody who believes in the infallibility of the free market can believe in anything.

I’m not a Marxist, by the way, although I do think he has made extremely valuable contributions to political and sociological thought.

Another “sensible choice”, I bet.

He has called President Barack Obama an antisemite and suggested that US Jews who oppose the Israeli occupation of the West Bank are worse than kapos, Nazi-era prisoners who served as concentration camp guards.

The Haaretz columnist Chemi Shalev said Friedman made Israel’s rightwing prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, “seem like a leftwing defeatist”.

Friedman disagrees with the general international consensus that the settlements are illegal and he opposes a ban on settlement construction on the West Bank and in East Jerusalem.

Physical science, like all science, is something invented by humans. Science is a method of inquiry invented by humans, everything we know about the natural universe is from a human perspective.
Look, we are not going to get anywhere with this discussion, the greatest minds in the relevant field of study (philosophy of science) have debated it for centuries and cant agree, so it’s unlikely we will. What they all agree on though is that the term “settled science” is an oxymoron.

[quote=“Sidney, post:4550, topic:19437, full:true”]
You’ve already said that most people in Ireland believe in creationism.
No offence, mate, but I imagine you’re quite out of touch.
That’s not what you’ve said previously.
Almost all important scientists since Darwin made shit of religion are atheists or agnostics.
The Oxford definition of agnostic is: “A person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God.”
But given you call yourself a “Christian Agnostic”, you’re also a creationist, obviously.
Now that’s an oxymoron. [/quote]

There is no conflict in being a Christian Agnostic, let alone it being an oxymoron. Christianity has to do with belief (theist/athiest) and agnosticism has to do with knowledge (gnostic/agnostic). Christianity as in the teachings of Jesus Christ, for all its flaws, is in my opinion the best of the philosophies out there as far as how to live one’s life. However, I have no proof that God exists, nor do I believe humans can (possibly ever) prove God’s existence. I choose to believe in God, which I accept is faith based rather than knowledge based. There is no conflict there, if you think rationally about it.

So, yes I am a creationist in that I believe that the origin of the universe and life is divine. Like most of the scientists in history and many of today’s leading scientists, I have no problem whatsoever reconciling the two. I cannot however reconcile science and a literal interpretation of scriptures as that would be idiotic.

Darwin destroyed religion in terms of the conservative interpretation of scriptures. Anyone who believes literally in the stories in the bible, or any religious text, at this point is either an idiot or suffering from mental illness.

Will Mr. trump continue to deny this? He did only publicly call for it, like.

Ann Coulter attacking the CIA and a self-described liberal defending them. 2016 has been absolutely mental.

Nothing seems to matter in US politics beyond people feeling that ‘their’ side is winning, regardless of what position their side takes. This is what a two party system does to a country.

Is that the same Ann Coulter, who was a massive supporter of the war in Iraq, now complaining about it?

Any relation to Phil Coulter?

The policies don’t matter. Trump could abolish property on behalf of the revolutionary proletariat and as long as Coulter could write the liberals are mad she’d support it.

The Electoral College has today certified Donald John Trump as the 45th President of the United States.


Democracy prevails. To my knowledge (although I have a few on board), there were a few Texan faithless electors on the Republican side but at least 4 Democrats voted for alternate candidates (Colin Powell and Faith Spotted Eagle). Several Democratic electors tried to vote for Bernie but were shot. Most faithless electors apparently in a century, way to go Hillary.

A great day for democracy

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The don has appointed a long time virulent critic of China to a trade body. He is sending plenty signals to China, 2017 will make for interesting times.

“Draining the swamp”…:smile:

Donald Trump added another billionaire to his presidential transition team on Wednesday: Carl Icahn, the 80-year-old activist shareholder and long-time friend who once helped Trump keep control of his troubled New Jersey casinos.

Icahn will be a special adviser to the president-elect overseeing regulation, according to the transition team.

According to Forbes, Icahn has a net worth of $16.5bn adding his wealth to a team that already looks set to be the wealthiest White House team in history. Trump had considered him for the post of Treasury secretary but Icahn rejected the suggestions saying: “I’m not ever going to be secretary of anything in Washington.”

This appointment is not an official government position and Icahn will therefore not have to divest of his vast business holdings in order to comply with government-mandated conflict of interest rules.

The hedge fund manager has been one of Trump’s closest advisers and officially endorsed the president-elect in the summer of 2015. “Carl was with me from the beginning and with his being one of the world’s great businessmen, that was something I truly appreciated,” said Trump. Trump said Ichan’s “help on the strangling regulations that our country is faced with will be invaluable”.

Icahn has been a persistent critic of government regulation, most recently “crazy regulations” at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). He is a major investor in CVR Energy, an oil refiner, whose business he claims has been harmed by EPA regulations.

Trump consulted with Icahn before appointing Scott Pruitt, Oklahoma’s attorney general and another EPA critic, to head the agency.

“I am proud to serve President-elect Trump as a special adviser on regulatory reform,” said Icahn. “Under President Obama, America’s business owners have been crippled by over $1tn in new regulations and over 750bn hours dealing with paperwork. It’s time to break free of excessive regulation and let our entrepreneurs do what they do best: create jobs and support communities.”

The billionaire, who has a home near Trump’s Palm Beach base, Mar-A-Lago, started his career on Wall Street and has built a reputation as a fierce corporate raider.

Before Trump’s elevation, Icahn was best known for his often heated battles with executives at companies, including Apple, eBay, Dell and Time Warner. In 2015 he took on Apple’s chief executive officer Tim Cook, telling him the iPhone-maker was “dramatically undervalued”.

In the 1990s Icahn was a bondholder in Trump’s failing Taj Mahal casino in New Jersey. Trump was able to keep control if the casino despite failing to make payments to Icahn and other bondholders thanks in large part to advice given by another Trump appointee, Wilbur Ross, a billionaire bankruptcy expert and now Trump’s appointed commerce secretary.

Farcical. Democratic establishment too interested in Russian conspiracies to do anything about it though.