US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Shouting is leadership.

Sheā€™s from the Northside, she didnā€™t register with Tim.

Question her record all you like.

I merely said that your shit writing ability and poor grasp of what sarcasm is made you look like a misogynist - which it did.

In the post I quote here, your shit writing makes you look like a Clinton supporter.


Cool, so Sid canā€™t point to anything so goes to Plan B.

A lot of establishment Republicans are anti-Trump, Bush Sn is voting for Hillary for example. The point is that the moderator went after one candidate and not the other on issues they are vulnerable on.

I wouldnā€™t ride her horsey mouth daughter mate.

Just listening back to this:

Morris shouts: ā€œDonā€™t you lecture me, you foreigner.ā€ :smile:

Yeah, some savaging, not.

The vast majority are voting Trump, however.

The point being made is that the moderator was biased in his targeting of issues the candidates are vulnerable on. What party he is registered with is irrelevant to the discussion, as a moderator is supposed to be unbiased.

Do you think he was fair in going after Trump on the birther issue, taxation, and openly contradicting him on ā€œstop and friskā€, but failing to question her on one of her many controversies?

He questioned her on cyber security.

Proportionally speaking, a 3:1 Trump:Clinton questioning ratio on controversies relating to the specific candidates works out comfortably to Trumpā€™s benefit given the ridiculously large amount of horrible shit heā€™s got up to over the years.

Incorrect again, that question was a generic one on the threat of international cyberattacks. Trump screwed up by royally by not going to town on her for putting her desire for privacy above the security of the country she was supposed to be defending.

The point remains, there was not one question raised by the moderator on any speciifc scandal Clinton has been involved in (Trump raised the email controversy).

A pretty obvious reference, though, it has to be said.

How are the latest polls looking in the battleground states? Havenā€™t had a chance to look at it in a while.

@anon7035031 can you field this please?

There are no new polls of significance in the swing states since the debate. Everyone is waiting with bated breath. The clash of styles is fascinating, Trump is traveling around the swing states non stop holding rallies while Hillary is putting all her eggs in the post debate media glow basket. Thereā€™s no question she won the debate easily on points but it may be that nobody gives a shit outside the beltway.


Thatā€™ll confuse the lefties here no end.


Please log this on the ā€œRight-wing cliche bingoā€ thread, pal.