US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

How is this a cliché Sidney?

It’s not my problem if you’re confused about that, pal.

You don’t know what a clichĂ© is either it seems

I certainly know when I’m conversing with a human clichĂ©, as I am here. :relaxed:

Oops. 22 million e-mails went missing during the George W. Bush presidency.

Let’s hear the outrage from Republicans over this

Trump is the anti Bush and Clinton dynasties . We are taking on the Washington establishment .


The “Debate” - all bollocks. A few points of note however:

  1. Neither candidate should stand near a fire. HRC’s left jaw could melt and the Don’s hair could conflagrate.
  2. HRC failed to use the well coined phrase “You just don’t get it fella”.
  3. The time honoured insult FOAD remained unused.

How anyone invests time in debating/quoting/rehashing articles pertaining to this scutter is beyond me.


Andrew Bacevich is a great writer for those interested in non-partisan stuff.

"How did the party of Eisenhower, an architect of victory in World War II, choose as its nominee a narcissistic TV celebrity who, with each successive Tweet and verbal outburst, offers further evidence that he is totally unequipped for high office? Yes, the establishment media are ganging up on Trump, blatantly displaying the sort of bias normally kept at least nominally under wraps. Yet never have such expressions of journalistic hostility toward a particular candidate been more justified.

Similarly, how did the party of Adlai Stevenson, but also of Stevenson’s hero Franklin Roosevelt, select as its candidate someone so widely disliked and mistrusted even by many of her fellow Democrats? True, antipathy directed toward Hillary Clinton draws some of its energy from incorrigible sexists along with the “vast right wing conspiracy” whose members thoroughly loathe both Clintons. Yet the antipathy is not without basis in fact.

Even by Washington standards, Secretary Clinton exudes a striking sense of entitlement combined with a nearly complete absence of accountability. She shrugs off her misguided vote in support of invading Iraq back in 2003, while serving as senator from New York. She neither explains nor apologizes for pressing to depose Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, her most notable “accomplishment” as secretary of state. “We came, we saw, he died,” she bragged back then, somewhat prematurely given that Libya has since fallen into anarchy and become a haven for ISIS."

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Its a formula which succeeded with Ronald Reagan in 1980.

The author of that article is a thick cunt. There is a reason GOP went Trump, France Le Pen , Brits UKIP and Brexit , All sorts here. The liberal elites is nice parties of cool cities don’t understand . That is also scary .

No-one here is interested in that kind of thing

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Trump was up all night Thursday into Friday tweeting conspiracy theories about former Miss Universe Alicia Machado who he previously called “Miss Piggy” and “Miss Housekeeping”, making false allegations that she took part in a sex tape and telling people to “check it out” at half 5 in the morning. :smile::wine_glass:

Is this what the United States Presidential election has come to? A Twitter war about a beauty pageant contestant? The Chinese must be falling around the place laughing at America.

Trump’s only hope now is if Julian Assange is wiped out in a drone strike just as he begins to speak tomorrow.

What’s Assange doing?

Supposedly releasing new info on Clinton, 10th anniversary of Wikileaks event tomorrow morning in Berlin (in a few hours).

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Will Trumps tax returns see light of day before the election?

So Trump doesn’t want him killed?

Apparently Clinton looked at ways of killing Assange :grinning:

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Press conference begins in thirty minutes :popcorn: