US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Unless HRC is convicted of being behind the Sandy Hook school shootings you had better get used to calling her Madam President. That or dropping dead before November

Assange either has nothing or something devastating. If it’s the latter then the closer to November it’s released the more effective, as there would be no recovery time for Clinton.



What if he has Donalds tax returns?

He is a busted flush

Will republicans cut trump loose soon to salvage the other elections

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What a fucking disaster from Tim Kaine tonight. Your candidate is winning in the polls, all you have to do is come across as a safe pair of hands to take the wheel when she croakes, and you come across as a whiny little bitch who had his altarboy frock lifted frequently by the Jesuits. Mike Pence delivered big time as a statesman, which is all he needed to do. Not a gamechanger, but opens the door for a Trump aggressive comeback.

Really poor judgement from Clinton selecting this piece of shit pseudo-Irish softcock.

You actually watched that?

Yes, mate.

You’re a glutton for punishment

It’s almost as though the democrats are trying to lose.

Unfortunately for them, the GOP seems to be trying harder to lose :wink:

The GOP scheduled a tweet to say they had won this debate, but it went out half an hour before the debate started :joy:


Americans love that kind of confidence


The general consensus is that Pence lied through his teeth about what Trump has said and hasn’t said, flat out made up policies, such as about Syria, but appeared to be more interested in positioning himself for a shot at the Republican nomination in 2020, as he often effectively threw Trump under a bus when asked to defend him.

Consensus is that Kaine won on substance, Pence won on demeanour.

Demeanour is usually more important in the Kardashianised world of modern politics.

I don’t know what debate you were looking at. Governor Pence won hands down.

Senator Kaine persistently attacked him over Candidate Trump’s stance on Mexico. I don’t get this – nor, I suspect do most Americans. As Mr Trump has consistently said he proposes not only a construction project on a scale perhaps never seen before but in fact proposes giving the responsibility to Mexicans themselves for getting the job done. Creating jobs in America, creating jobs in Mexico – Mr Trump will be a President of all the Americas. Anyway, Gov Pence didn’t fall for any of this and as Mr Trump himself notes it leaves us all purring with pride.

The chants and placard slogans at the Cleveland convention from the supporters of the man charged with restoring democracy to America ring true.

“We like Mike “ “We like Mike”