US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

The Kaine lad interrupted his opponent 72 times :joy:

How rude.

Clinton has just put up an ad that makes pence look like a tard,@Sidney might post it up there

The Libertarian VP candidate has now effectively thrown his support behind Clinton.

You are some clown :joy:

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Pence showed Trump the way last night, but very doubtful if Trump can follow suit. The consensus on the VP debate is that Kaine came across as one of those annoying yappy terriers straining at its leash and never shutting the fuck up, the annoying kind of cunt you would like to kick up the arse.

Clinton clearly wants to drag the debate into the dirt and succeeded the first night in derailing Trump. It’s a bit of a risky strategy as so many already view her as a poisonous bitch and are reluctant to vote for her. The temptation for Trump is to go after her, and there is plenty material there for him should he choose to do so; a 30 year career filled with scandal starting with Whitewater in the mid 80s, her debacle of a term as Secretary of State where she managed to destabilize a whole region and hand the initative to Russia and Iran, Bill and herself running a pay for play foundation and amassing a $150M fortune giving speeches to the same Wall Street firms and foreign countries she is now criticizing, and most damning the email scandal where all her top aides have taken the fifth and refuse to testify to congress (the FBI dropped the ball on this one, as the evidence clearly shows there was a planned obliteration of her server after the FBI subpoened her emails).

Trump should stay above the fray, mention briefly all these as examples of her failures and corruption, and then only talk about the way forward for the country. This is where Hillary is weak, as basically she offers 4 more years of Obama. The single biggest economic issue facing the country is that corporations are using every loophole possible to avoid paying tax in the US (which is too high at 39% compared to an average of 20% in the rest of the developed world, or close to 0% for the likes of Apple’s cozy set up in Ireland). Tax avoidance strategies translate to moving the source of your profit offshore which has decimated good quality jobs in the US. The US voting public understand this as they see the results of it all around them, but so far Trump has been unable to articulate the problem and solutions well enough.

Time is definitely running out for Trump, Sunday night is effectively last chance saloon.

I thought you didn’t support trump?

I don’t support Trump (or Clinton). I am pointing out what he needs to do to get back into the race.
Amazing the number of people who can’t tell the difference between commenting on something and supporting something.


Do you reckon he has anything on here that he hasn’t let slip yet? Something that if he gets the timing right, she’ll have no chance of recovering.

If he has, the time to release it is before the last debate to put her on the defensive. The next debate is about recovery from the first debate, in much the same way Obama recovered after taking an arsekicking from Romney the first time in 2012. He has to clearly outline his plan for the economy which is what most people are interested in, and avoid getting dragged down rabbit holes by her. A tough ask, given his temperament.

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The format of the second debate should be considered. Trump needs to hit a home run.

The second presidential debate will take the form of a town meeting, in which half of the questions will be posed directly by citizen participants and the other half will be posed by the moderator based on topics of broad public interest as reflected in social media and other sources. The candidates will have two minutes to respond and there will be an additional minute for the moderator to facilitate further discussion. The town meeting participants will be uncommitted voters selected by the Gallup Organization

The Atlantic has made only its third presidential endorsement in its entire history, endorsing Clinton. Other two times were for Abraham Lincoln and LBJ (in opposition to the racist Goldwater). They call Trump ‘spectacularly unfit for office’.

“His affect is that of an infomercial huckster; he traffics in conspiracy theories and racist invective; he is appallingly sexist; he is erratic, secretive, and xenophobic; he expresses admiration for authoritarian rulers, and evinces authoritarian tendencies himself. He is easily goaded, a poor quality for someone seeking control of America’s nuclear arsenal. He is an enemy of fact-based discourse; he is ignorant of, and indifferent to, the Constitution; he appears not to read.”

“We believe in American democracy, in which individuals from various parties of different ideological stripes can advance their ideas and compete for the affection of voters. But Trump is not a man of ideas. He is a demagogue, a xenophobe, a sexist, a know-nothing, and a liar. He is spectacularly unfit for office, and voters—the statesmen and thinkers of the ballot box—should act in defense of American democracy and elect his opponent.”


Interestingly, a young Hillary Clinton was a 'Goldwater girl", and actively campaigned for Barry Goldwater in 1964. While Bernie Sanders was marching with Martin Luther King Jn, Hillary was supporting the candidate who voted agianst the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Hillary has had many, many instances where her rhetoric and actions have been accused of being racist. As first lady she referred to young black men as “super predators” and “we have to bring them to heel”. She has used the term “illegal aliens”, has declared herself to be “adamently against illegal immigrants” and as a senator voted to build a wall between the US and Mexico. During a speech while she was a senator, she used a Gandhi quote and followed with “He ran a gas station down in St Louis for a couple of years”. During the 2008 camapign, her staffers started the birther rumor, circulated pictures of Obama in Muslim attire, and Bill famously said “A few years ago this guy would have been getting us coffee”. She has also disparaged Jews and Native Americans in other examples.

So, who is the real racist in the race?




Where did you copy that from?


This stuff is quite widely known if you take your head out of the sand.

There’s a very good Goldwater documentary from a few years ago I must watch again. Fascinating guy.

Oh Golly what a gamechanger

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Even @ProjectX states his sources, “this stuff” is unsubstantiated rumour and gossip mongering. If he or you want to state it, then state your sources.

This stuff has been written on this thread over and over. Just because you decide to screen out the bad stuff written about your beloved HRC is not the rest of our faults. Labane has beautifully summarised some of the main points about HRC’s vile past with race.

He has forgotten a couple of points of course- one being that ol Bill in 08 gave a shoulder shrug when Obama won South Carolina, sure “Jesse Jackson” did the same.

In a campaign memo her strategic advisor Mark Penn said before the 08 Primaries that they should target Obama’s “lack of American roots”. Low and behold a nobody staffer gets busted for the “birther” email in December 07. The already referenced photo of Obama wearing African garb was then released and never denied to have been leaked by the Clinton campaign, but instead they just said “what’s the problem anyway, sure Hillary has been photographed loads of times wearing similar”. This is the kind of campaign she ran in 08 and it is widely known that Obama’s team loathed her, her acolytes her husband because of this. Obama didn’t want the Clinton’s pissing in on his administration from the outside so relented and brought her in, but creeps like Sidney Bluthmenthal were barred from state advisor jobs (and helpfully employed by the Clinton Foundation instead, and seen all over HRC’s non missing emails).

Which is probably why this thread has become so fucking tedious.