US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

The “Goldwater girl” is from her own book. The rest is all in the public record. There is a lot worse than I referenced that would be in the category of Trump’s comments on the Miss Universe who packed on a few pounds. Like the time Bill lost a senate election in 1974 and she screamed “Jewish bastard” at his campaign manager, several witnesses attested to it.

Won’t see the liberal media report on any of that.

Wahhhhh, Fitzy doesn’t like people slagging HRC, “why can’t you just slag Trump 24/7??!”. Buzz off so.

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This is my prediction. Trump needs Florida and a smaller state like Colorado to flip for him.

Turnout is just so crucial, HRC is really struggling to rally the under 30 vote.

I don’t mind people slagging off HRC, I can’t stand her personally, but so much of this just comes across as the usual misogynist right wing bollocks.

It’s boring slagging Trump at this stage.
This elections over anyway.

What the fuck is misogynist about criticising someone?

Ffs sake


Seems entirely reasonable

If you are anti-Semitic yes

Lebane the jew loving iron. :smirk:

It’s Labane you urban moron

That’s what I said. Dope

Look again you jennit

How are you this lovely mild morning Lebane/lebane?

Fantastic mate, should really go to bed soon

I’m way ahead of you pal. Just having a slice of wholemeal bread and a banana.and shall be off out for the morning run shortly.

Lovely. Thankfully I have a nights sleep to look forward to.

I really do have pity for the put upon people of America.

Maybe he was a Jewish bastard?

Pence seemed more composed throughout the whole thing whereas Kaine was more animated. I think that’s because Pence rarely bothered to defend Trump at all. Largely let Kaine’s statements go unchallenged in substance. It had a Pence 2020 feel about it. He wasn’t throwing himself in front of any bullets for Trump.

Did he say it because he was seething that his coffee wasn’t being served by an african american, or did he say it as a tribute to how far african americans have come?

This guy said this once, this guy said that once.

This whole campaign is a fucking freakshow that’s been completely taken over by idiots, trolls, hackers and the unhinged.

The world is fucked lads. New cold war on the way if she wins. Red army to dance all over Europe if he wins.

She’s a cunt, and a dangerous one to boot.
He’s a fucking moron who is in waaaayyyy over his head.
That’s a hell of a choice 'merica. Congratulations.


I agree with you 100%, but it’s not just an American phenomenon, loook at the cast of idiots gaining in popularity in Europe, le Pen, Farage, etc. The rise of populist leaders is scary, but its a direct result of decades of corrupt leadership by the establishment parties.

The point being made on “he said, she said”, is that only “he said” is being reported by the mainstream media. A throwaway comment he made 25 years ago about the appearance of a beauty pageant winner has been reported incessantly for the past two weeks. There has been zero reporting of any controversial or discriminatory remark she has uttered in her past, many in the not so recent past.