US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

What a self-clamping.

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The town hall should be the final nail in this cunts coffin.He’s gonna go down swinging though,expect him to bring up a lot of shit about bill.

This thread is hilarious. Trump does not want to be president in a million years, he’s not going to go down fighting, he’s going to meekly give up, the only fight he might make is if the republicans try and oust him from within. This is a fix since day one.

He doesn’t believe a word of the bile he spouts, just populist rubbish to publicise himself. Clinton is a far more dangerous proposition in the real world, but that doesn’t seem to bother the liberal gobshites who just want to scream nazi at trump as if he’s a dictator in waiting. I can’t find the clip but Trevor Noah did a piece where the Kasich staffers revealed trump tried to get Kasich on the ticket, and offered Kasich the portfolio of domestic and foreign policy! When they asked what is trump going to be in charge of so if elected, the reply was making America great again. He has no interest in winning but yet lads here seem to revel in saying, oh he’s fucked now after saying X, he’s after shooting himself in the foot etc. All on purpose.


That’s some wonderful conspiracy theorising, pal.


Trump’s escalator:

John McCain has told Trump he won’t be voting for him :laughing:

The hypocrisy from liberals and the mainstream media on the Trump tape is simply breathtaking. These are the cunts who elected a serial sexual predator not once, but twice, to the White House and are now outraged at Trump having a smutty conversation, which he wasn’t aware was being taped. No question Trump is also a sexual predator and scumbag, but for Hillary to denounce it is derisory, given who she is married to and enabled for decades. It’s utter horseshit for her to speak of defending women, when she spent decades attacking women who claimed to have been sexually assaulted or raped by Bill.

Sunday will be a bloodbath, there is no way Trump will (or should) restrain himself this time.

Mad the way those who complain most about gropings in Europe are falling over themselves to defend the groper in chief in the US, isn’t it?

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It’s almost like I could have predicted this would happen.

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GOPer ?? Or Groper.

There was once a US President called Grover Cleveland. Trump is the Groper who clinched the nomination in Cleveland. But he isn’t going to be President.

Nobody is defending Trump you stupid pea brained cunt.

The hypocrisy is the issue here. It’s so bad a case could be made that Trump himself leaked the tape, so he can go to town on the shocking hypocrisy of the Democrats and Hillary in Sunday’s debate. How the fuck could anyone who voted for Bill be genuinely outraged at Trump’s behavior?

It’s pretty clear you’d prefer a Trump presidency to a Clinton one, and your “support” of Gary Johnson is your “out” from having to publicly admit that.

Bill Clinton is not running for President.

Bill Clinton also has not been caught on tape making derogatory remarks about women.

Bill Clinton is irrelevant in this.


Nice deflection from the issue raised, which is the hypocrisy. Respond to the hypocrisy claim or fuck off.

Bill Clinton is absolutely relevant as it speaks to her character and judgement, staying with and enabling a serial sexual predator, and viciously attacking many of his victims.

did Bill rape someone?

some guy on the radio today said Hillary covered it up

Bill Clinton is the deflection, pal.

You’re deflecting.

Bottom line is that Trump has been caught on tape boasting about sexually assaulting women. This is the issue, not anything Bill Clinton may or may not have ever done.

If you don’t think the media should be all over this, then you haven’t a clue about media, or politics for that matter.

Trump’s campaign has been an utter car crash from start to the impending finish and the last month is going to be tremendously entertaining, to say the least.

No deflection, the issue I raised is the hypocrisy of people who voted for a serial sexual predator twice and now being outraged by Trump’s behavior. The media are of course salivating over this one, with constant back to back playing of the tape. The same media that are not reporting on the leaked transcripts of Hillary’s speeches to Wall Street banks, which were released today, and confirm everything Bernie said about her in the primaries.

Which do you think the American voter should be more concerned with? A candidate engaging in smutty conversation a decade ago (how many men in positions of power would pass that test?), or a lying cunt who sold herself to the banks that destroyed many of their lives?

The allegations against Bill Clinton are in the dozens. Now, it can be argued that they are only allegations, but the quantity of them, the familiar pattern, and in particular the lying under oath to deny the Lewinsky scandal paint a pretty consistent picture. While the Lewinsky affair did not rise to the legal standard of sexual harassment, any CEO in the private sector would be fired for that kind of behavior.

Here’s a partial list:

Eileen Wellstone alleged that Clinton raped her in 1969 while he was studying in Oxford.
Joanne Broadderick alleged that Clinton raped her in a hotel room in 1974, she still maintains it to this day and that Hillary threatened her afterwards. Hillary has a history of attacking women who were involved with Bill or made allegations about Bill.
Paula Jones accused Clinton of sexually assaulting her in 1991, the case was settled out of court for $850K in 1998 (after Clinton was found guilty of perjury).
Kathleen Wiley alleged that Clinton sexually assaulted her in the Oval office in 1993, she was subsequently ripped to shreds in the media.

There are about 15 more, but the above are the most famous ones.