US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Bill and the Donald are good pals and have been up to all sorts together. Sure weren’t the regular visitors to yer man Epstein’s sex island …

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That’s certainly the rumor, girls claimed to have seen both there, although the evidence is thin.

That’s some spin on it!!!

Lots hilarious that Trump supporters didn’t need anticipate all these things coming out, I mean, it’s fucking Trump!

Jon Voight had a right rant back at Robert De Niro’s video overnight. It saddens me to see such luminaries falling out like this.

@anon7035031 is seething here the poor auld divil.He’ll be back now to tell me he’s not a trump supporter :grinning:.Tonight will be box office.

He backed the wrong horse big time

Lebanne is a laughing stock

i) The media have reported on the Clinton Wikileaks transcripts. They’re incredibly dull and boring and no screaming from Trump supporters on alt-right message boards can conceal that.

Trump on the other hand has been caught on tape boasting about sexually assaulting women.

Anybody who has ever worked in the media knows which has more news value, and they aren’t on the same planet.

ii) I think the average voter in the US should be concerned with the following

  • who is more corrupt - clearly Trump is
  • who is the bigger liar - Trump by miles
  • who is more qualified to be President - Clinton by miles
  • that Trump is economically illiterate
  • that Trump is a racist
  • that Trump is a proven lifetime misogynist and boasts about sexually assaulting women - he also currently has charges for the rape of a 13 year old filed against him currently, a story which hasn’t been touched by the media
  • the temperament of the candidates - Clinton clearly has the temperament befitting a President - Trump makes @caoimhaoin look like the Dalai Lama

The media have given Trump a very easy ride up to now because he gives good copy and he sells. An easy ride on his corruption, an easy ride on his lies, an easy ride on his misogynism and racism. Make no mistake, they wanted him to be the candidate because they wanted this to turn into a giant reality TV freak show, they wanted to see how far this could go, they wanted entertainment and hype, and entertainment and hype is good for business.

If the real dirt starts coming out now, it’s about 10 months too late.

To be fair, about 1000 of those are from Sad Sid, and he can’t even vote in the election


This is splendid. I hope Trump puts up a fight tonight for the giggle.

The trump lads are fairly quiet today

I think / hope it will be worth staying up for.

Which is it?

Oh he’s gunna put up a fight alright, a fight like you’ve never seen, such a fight, an unbelievable fight, it’s gunna be the best fight you’ve ever seen oh yeah.

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He should have a listen to this before deciding.

Believe me,it’s gonna be epic ok,believe me.

Nancy O Dell was a fine mare back in the day

He’s going down to the bitter end

What time is it on tonight?

9pm eastern time / 2am BST