US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Reckon Eli might do one on Rodgers tonight

Have you had your third wank of the night yet?

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Please fuck off out of here…

Christ :smile:

Have you worked out who’s having the bigger meltdown yet, you or Trump?

Flick on Fox News, they have it down to the milliseconds :grinning:

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Underdog status always brings the best out of him

Live feed

Big D in da house.

I’m as cool as the slice of lemon in my G&T mate.

On a serious note, you are attaching far too much importance to the influence of the media. It actually has the opposite effect of what you think. Maybe in Ireland the media still hold sway, but they have long lost relevance in the US, as people just see through it now. FFS, NBC had that Trump tape for 10 years and they decide to launch it the day before the debate. Do you think people can’t see through that and who’s pulling the strings?

You’re about as cool as a drunk Jeremy Clarkson falling into a Tabasco sauce fountain (I know, what a mental image).

Sure, pal, the media doesn’t matter, that’s why you’ve spent the last year moaning about it.

I hope Donald gets a cigar out at somepoint and offers it to Bill

Throw it in ta fuck ref…

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Donald Trump v Hillary Clinton

Sometimes life is so serious it hurts

Bill’s victims look terrified :astonished:

They were just in a hotel room with Donald mate.


What a shit question…snoooooooozzze

What in the name of fuck is that lardarse wearing in the front row

A navy suit and a red tie.

Calls himself Donald.

Poor night for you so far.

Low energy from Donald so far