US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

He must be a sex predator.

Lob it in there boss?

As always when you are losing you try and attack the poster. This discussion is not about me you piece of shit. Nice attempt to deflect again, and as you have no interest in debating the point raised, you truly can go fuck your self.

There is ample evidence that both men are sexual predators, quite common among rich powerful men. The question is which of them acted out on their sexual deviancy and used their power to seduce women. If you have evidence that Trump did then provide it.

Insert witty meme here.

will this happen before or after the financial meltdown Mr happy?

After. The financial collapse will lead to Hillary looking to divert attention from it by attacking Russia

fuck, i was hoping for it to be before so id have spare cash to build a bunker


Trump has just appeared in a hotel with four Bill Clinton rape accusers. :smile:

He has lost it. :smile:

They’re going to be front row at the debate.

Fuckin unrale.OMFG.Trump is going nuclear

Box office


I :heart: American politics

This is the high point, it’s sad really, it will never get better than this :cry:

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He’s fucking gas cunt.
Gravitas, thy name is not Trump… :laughing:

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Scorched earth.
The media are going berserk, clamoring for Hillary to hold the high ground.
The Clintons, high ground :joy:



You truly are a sad, boring individual…

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How long until the debate?

Have you worked out whether you’re a liar or a misogynist yet?

38 minutes from…now.

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