US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Did Donald snort a kilo of Coke before the debate?.. heā€™s sniffling like a motherfucker.

True but when he lands a hit on her she smiles, and she has been smiling a lot tonight

Hard working families.

Allergies mate, Hillary knows all about them

Allergic to tax, thatā€™s cos heā€™s smrt, so smrt.

Trump should have done better on tax there


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Oh shitā€¦ he disagrees with his running mate. Fuck.

The camera zoomed right in on Clintonā€™s face and out again.


We need sneak attacks, not rapes

Jesus, he got seriously burned there by the moderator on the sneak attack shit.

Trump losing the plot with the moderator.

Former President James Carter with a question.

Heā€™s turned black, like a reverse Michael Jackson.

He spends a lot of time out in the sun building houses for poor Africans. A real hero.

Walk on, walk on, with hate in your heart.

ā€˜She has tremondous hate in her heartā€™

ā€˜Believe meā€™

Bill took a 300m deficit and turned it into a surplusā€¦ but Bill isnā€™t running for president.

Trump is ā€œnot a conservativeā€, but he ā€œwants to appoint judges like Justice Scaliaā€.