US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Facism has taken over lads
cc @myboyblue

Eh, Bernie Sanders?

Just proof Americans don 't want a left-wing leader.

So it was a fix all along and Trump won’t be pivoting to the centre soon?

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So are you saying that most of the people who voted for Trump in the primaries are in fact Democrats?

It’s all a big conspiracy lad,Alex Jones said so on the radio yesterday.

No, I wouldn’t claim that with any certainty, although there is lots of evidence of crossing party affiliation during the primaries. Some of it is genuinely people who change party affiliation, some of it is people trying to influence the other sides selection (both parties supporters do it). What’s unquestionable though is the unprecedented vote that Trump brought out, especially in the early primaries when he went from being a rank outsider to taking the lead quickly. It’s a valid question as to who all these people are that don’t typically vote in Republican primaries.

I have stated consistently from the beginning of the campaign that I don’t believe Trump is a Republican at all, he is a liberal but also a narcissistic egomaniac who has the desire to be president, and has managed to gain the nomination by running as a populist and attracting enough supporters to win the nomination. It’s the natural culmination of the Republican Party embracing the Tea Party, eventually a populist leader was likely to win the nomination.

Politics is a game to be enjoyed. Only thing ruins it is someone like Cameron who thought he was smarter than his electorate.

Would you prefer if I used the word frothing or foaming at the mouth for how your face has appeared since it became obvious Trump was going to lose?

Not for the first time, you attempt false equivalence and fail. The Republicans have been renowned for voter fraud for decades.

You’ve already said, correctly, for a change, that Al Gore was absolutely entitled to challenge the Florida result, in fact the recount was triggered automatically under state law due to the tiny margin.

And then you equate what Trump is saying with that. Deary me.

The concerted effort by Republicans in Florida in 2000, in Ohio in 2004 and in numerous other places to rig elections by denying large amounts of minority groups the right to vote have been extremely well documented. Please refer me to a single case where Democrats tried to rig an election in a similar way, or refused to accept the result.

Now you’re equating some people turning up at Trump rallies in Planned Parenthood t-shirts with thinly veiled incitements from Trump to assassinate Clinton (remember, the second amendment people?) and a point blank refusal to accept the result of the election, only “if I win”.

And you wonder why you’ve been a laughing stock on this thread for the last nine months.

Where’s that “smoking gun” again?

Why do you care Sidney?
I understand that Clinton, as a self professed Wall Street stooge, is more likely to continue to allow the U.S. Multinationals to continue to route through Ireland and other places to avoid paying tax (as long as they pay her foundation), but you seem personally invested in this whole charade to a strange degree.


So what policy platform is he running on?

i) Abolishing financial regulation (who’s in Wall Street’s pocket again? Who owns a 71 storey building on Wall Street? :smile:)
ii) Lower taxes for the rich
iii) No gun control
iv) Opposes abortion
v) Anti-immigration, uses racist rhetoric to back up such
vi) Opposes same-sex marriage
vii) Proposes colonial wars of conquest
viii) Repeal Obamacare
ix) No policy on climate change, plenty of evidence in a non-official policy setting to indicate he believes climate change is a hoax, his energy policy also reverses Obama’s commitments to reducing carbon emissions
x) Appointed a running mate who believes in creationism

That sounds like a pretty stereotypical Republican platform to me.

Why do you care about my interest in the biggest worldwide news story of 2016?

You seem personally invested in my interest to a strange degree.

Oh man this is rough.

In fairness this election has huge implications for the rest of the World. Why would you not care?


+1,who needs reality TV when this is on the box

Whats that @Watch_The_Break it doesn’t seem to have loaded

Trump failing to land with some gags at the Al Smith dinner last night. It’s on the Irish Times website.

The one I heard on the wireless on the way into work this morning was quite funny. The one saying Michelle Obama got praise for her speech and Trump’s wife got slaughtered for making the exact same speech.

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This one was good as well:

“And even tonight, with all of the heated back and forth between my opponent and me at the debate last night, we have proven that we can actually be civil to each other. In fact, just before taking the dais, Hillary accidentally bumped into me and she very simply said, ‘Pardon me.’ And I very quietly replied, let me talk to you about that after I get into office.”