US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Fellas like yourself who are well meaning, who may need to do another facebook ice bucket water challenge or whatever the alternative of that is now called…you care you really do type cunts etc…

Hillary is 100 times more dangerous then Trump who is only a plant at the end of the day anyway…

My question for you Sid is how do you reconcile her cosigning multiple wars by imperialist regimes in the middle east as a people before profit fella?

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Go and play with your crayons, pal.

Classic deflection.

I disagree. Clinton is merely the continuation of a rotten and despised political system. Trump is the degeneration of that system into something even worse.


The only thick one here is your good self. Anyone who believes there is even a semblance of fairness in the US electoral system needs their head examined. Nothing new in both parties trying to gain advantage at the ballot box by questionable actions, but the DNC in this election cycle have take it to new lows.

If you want to talk about dangerous and poisonous, let’s start with “Democracy Partners” run by Robert Creamer who it is now known to have coordinated efforts with the DNC and Clinton campaign to incite violence at Trump rallies. There is conclusive evidence now from both the Project Veritas videos and WikiLeaks that these heinous acts were coordinated. The same Robert Creamer who was caught on tape discussing how to commit voter fraud by registering illegals as contractors, and recently resigned from “Democracy Partners” to avoid further embarrassing Clinton.

I think those questioning why a political hack like Creamer visited the White House 340 times since 2009, including 45 meetings with Obama, have had their questions answered.


Trump is a parody of himself at this stage though…but that doesn’t mean Hilary is less dangerous imo…

She signed off on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan…both were wrong in the extreme…I’d genuinely like to see Obama get a 3rd term if it were possible…which is laughable.


Trump imo is part of the corrupt plan to ensure Clinton’s election. There is no way Clinton would have beaten any moderate Republican, such is her unfavorable rating. Any one of Romney, Kasich, Rubio or even Jeb would have beaten her. The Democrats knew this which is likely why Trump was encouraged to run. Remember Trump was a Democrat most of his life and is basically a New York liberal. In his egotistical craving for power he fell into their flytrap.

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Family friends sure.

Ah Jaysus. You have it bad.

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If you were to pick a candidate for Clinton to run against, you couldn’t find a better one than Trump. The only close one would be Ted Cruz.

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You seem to forget though that the Republicans picked Trump.


There’s more democracy in a playground pal

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thats because they knew he would lose. Clinton will provide the bigger rewards


The people choose the candidate mate. Anyone can register as a Democrat or Republican and vote in a primary. Once a candidate wins enough delegates to secure the nomination, there is very little the party establishment can do to stop them. That said, if the pussy video and claims against Trump had come out before the convention, they likely would have blocked the nomination.

You seem very naive. Why do you think all the shit was released on Trump after he secured the nomination and right before the election?

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So you are saying all the Democrats in the Republican Party voted for Trump because they knew they had a pussy video but they never told anyone about it until after he secured the nomination

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its a 2 party system, you have to vote for one of us… its the poignant way of the world we live in , when this muck drives people bonkers!
cc @myboyblue

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No. The DNC would have known about the video and choose the timing to release it. As for Trump’s support in the primaries, he attracted a lot of voters who did not traditionally vote in primaries. There are a lot of independent voters and voters who switch back and forth, there’s nothing to stop anyone in an open primary walking in, registering and voting for who they like.

No left wing in American politics.

Clinton and Trump are buddies in real life. Our reptile overlords have screwed us again

Daley takes us through the story of how this all happened. Once Obama was in the White House, a group of wily Republicans doubled down on state and local politics. Chris Jankowski, a tactician for the Republican State Leadership Committee, and his allies came up with an audacious plan to target campaign money toward gaining control of state governments, where reapportionment would take place. The operation, called REDMAP (Redistricting Majority Project), was never a secret. Karl Rove outlined what they planned to do in the Wall Street Journal.

In a local race in Pennsylvania in 2010, Democrat David Levdansky, a 13-term state representative, found himself under assault. He faced a barrage of advertising, financed by national Republican organizations, claiming in misleading television spots and mailers that he had voted to spend $600 million on a library in honor of Arlen Specter, the controversial U.S. senator who had left the Republicans to join the Democrats. This didn’t sit well with constituents in a recession. He paid the price: Republican Rick Saccone narrowly defeated him. “The f—ing Arlen Specter library,” Levdansky recalled after he lost. Once national Republicans flipped his seat, they gained control of the state’s lower chamber.