US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Russia has been involved militarily for at least a year now on Assad’s side and the war is still going on. There are numerous other outside actors - Turkey, the Gulf states, Iran, the Kurds. Syria’s geographical position leaves it far more vulnerable to these outside actors in a way that, say, Egypt or Libya haven’t been.

The least worst outcome at this stage is probably Assad winning, but then again his atrocities have probably been the worst of any side in the Syrian war, worse than ISIS even. He’s an utterly cuntish war criminal. The whole thing is an utter shit show and it’ll likely take decades to sort out.

Pilger is silent on Russia’s involvement. It’s 100% legitimate to criticise the US’s foreign policy under Obama, but it’s simply dishonest to give a one-sided view of interventionism (ie. US bad, Russia good) as Pilger does in that article, or to claim “Obama founded ISIS”, or that Syria wouldn’t have been a long-running war regardless of any US involvement, or that Russia aren’t just as reckless and brutal as the US in their worst interventions since World War II.

they are building lines around russia and to some bit china, why? - control. obama has spent more on nuclear weapons than any other president ,they have now develpoed a mini nuclear bomb. Clinton will escalate that.
both of them have no business near it.
continuation-exactly bud
republican control (-Trump)would be worse

Are ISIS not going around beheading children? What is the evidence of Assad committing atrocities. Genuine question by the way. I know he was accused of using chemical weapons. Was it proven?

Assad as the legitimate government invited Russia in, its completely legal what they did

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Eh, barrel bombs? You don’t count them as atrocities?

The Syrian government has killed far more civilians than ISIS. So have the Russians.

Here’s the chemical weapons story.

Dermot McMurrough invited the Brits in, mate.

Quisling invited the Nazis in.

the brits had no business here full stop man.

You do realise that article is full of quotes from Boris Johnson :eek:

And i asked has it been proven. That article is mostly speculation and only goes as far as to say its alleged Assad used them. As well as Isis et al. Forgive me for being a tad dubious but this is the same media who were convinced Saddam had an arsenal of WMD’s.


Have a look through through this

I don’t particularly care about what Boris Johnson says.

The UN says Assad has been using chemical weapons. That’s the same UN who said there was no evidence Saddam had an arsenal of WMDs.

Invited :laughing:

IThe infamous attorney Gloria Allred, who calls herself “a proud supporter of Hillary Clinton”, and who is already representing the existing 10 women who accuse Trump of “unwanted sexual advances” has come up with her trump card. A porn star, Jessica Drake, has come forward and claimed Trump kissed her without her permission 10 years ago, and that a man who was either Donald or representing Donald called her later and offered her $10,000 to go to a party with him.

This one is hard to get your head around. A porn star, who was employed to have sex with strangers, is now mortally offended 10 years after the event that a rich guy offered her money to go to a party.

You simply couldn’t make it up. This one almost sounds like a Trump plant.

In the Don’s case you don’t have to make it up.

That sounds like a nice spot of misogynistic victim blaming there to me, mate.

You saying a porn star can’t be sexually assaulted?

Itso funny how yanks when the even get a whiff of a few bob will come out.
I see in a totally unrelated case today, some nut job is suing KFC as the family bucket of chicken didn’t look like it does in the ad.18 million she’s looking for

Uploading… she’s a grand bit of stuff.

Is an unwanted kiss always classified sexual assault? When did that happen and is there a guide to what is and isn’t acceptable. Is it just a kiss on the lips or does it have to involve some tongue. is a kiss on the cheek ok? What about kissing someone’s hand. Jesus James Bond must be in some bother.

If that’s what you truly think, then you are either a wum or an idiot.
As you can’t seem to grasp what is going on here, I’ll vote for the latter.

You mentioned she was a porn star and then said “you couldn’t make it up” in reference to her allegation.

What relevance does her being a porn star have to the allegation? There’s a clear implication there that because she’s a porn star, she shouldn’t have the same rights in relation to not being sexually assaulted as everybody else. It’s the same type of “she was asking for it” excuse you might expect to see in a Daily Mail comment section.

Sidney has Labane cornered here. This could be interesting*

*in the context of this thread.

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