US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

The US Department of Justice defines sexual assault as follows:

Sexual assault is any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient. Falling under the definition of sexual assault are sexual activities as forced sexual intercourse, forcible sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape.

Interesting are you saying an unwanted kiss is classed as fondling ?

Well, kissing is a form of fondling, isn’t it?

There is no such implication, you dimwit. A self proclaimed porn star represented by Gloria Allred is as entitled to bring a sexual assault claim as anyone. The question though is the motivation behind the allegations. I suspect it’s money or 5 minutes of fame, a conclusion which the presence of Gloria Allred supports. This is the “attorney” after all who guided Tiger Wood’s various mistresses to their million dollar settlements. The “you couldn’t make it up” references how the Clinton campaign are scraping the bottom of the barrel in an ongoing effort to distract voters from the issues. If someone cannot connect the dots in these allegations, as you seemingly can’t, then the only reasonable conclusion is they are an idiot.

The sole objective here is to keep “Trump is a sex fiend” on the front pages, and the latest Clinton revelations off the front pages.

Where is the front page reporting today that a prominent Democratic governor donated $500K to the campaign of the wife of the second in command in the FBI investigating the Clinton email scandal?
Where is the front page reporting that Bob Woodward, the investigative reporter that broke Watergate, has concluded that the Clinton foundation is a pay for play scam?

You claim to be an expert on politics and the media. If you cannot see how the Clinton campaign are using the media here, including a bottom feeding media whore like Gloria Allred, then as I said you are either wumming or an idiot, or perhaps both.

Only in the eyes of a complete moron.

I’m always a bit wary of chemical weapons stories that fit the UN narrative

Are you sure? I think not. Anyway my point is I’m sure most lads here may have misread the signs at one point or another with a lady (and vice versa)and gone in for a kiss and been knocked back. Are they all guilty of sexual assault. Is it now a requirement of law to ask for consent for a kiss now.

You might not be able to see the implication, but any reasonable person can connect the dots.

Trump spent a lot of time around the second debate maintaining that women coming forward with allegations of sexual assault should be believed. It would appear that this doesn’t apply when he’s the one alleged to have carried out the sexual assault.

I find it very strange that you don’t think a string of allegations of sexual assault against a US Presidential candidate should not be covered by the media, given that you think allegations against Bill Clinton, who isn’t running, are such major campaign issues.

The story you reference has been widely reported across the media. You don’t appear to have looked very hard, which is unsurprising given your oft-stated dislike for “mainstream liberal media”.

Independent legal consensus was that there was no basis on which to indict Clinton and the decision was correct. This is a central reality you continually overlook. Obviously Republican zealots can’t see past the red fog inside their brains and are always going to disagree, but, hey, there’s a lot of weird people who think weird things out there.

One person’s opinion is one person’s opinion. You think somebody’s opinion should be a major campaign issue?

I’m neither an expert on politics or the media and have never claimed to be, but I do know a good bit about both and quite clearly more than you do.

Duh, every politician uses the media, if they don’t they shouldn’t be in politics. You seem to think that using the media, or using anybody or anything else, is a “smoking gun”, a smoking gun for what, I don’t know.

Your starting point here is that these allegations against Trump are lies. You’ve already made up your mind. That says a lot.

I’m not saying the allegations against Trump are lies at all, the fact that you would conclude that further exposes you as an idiot. I am saying they are questionable allegations, considering their timing, and in particular the length of time since the alleged incidents took place, a factor that would result in them most likely being thrown out of court should they reach court, along with the “he said” “she said” element.

Trump wasn’t the one who introduced sexual assault into the campaign. He is however entitled to defend himself against such claims, including pointing out the hypocrisy involved. You yourself questioned in a prior post whether any of the allegations against Bill Clinton should be believed, a valid question. I would suggest each case has to be considered on it’s merits, and what level of plausibility and truth it rises to. In the case of Bill Clinton, you have a series of accusations that started very early on in his career and continued right up to when he left the White House. There is no question in my mind that many of these allegations are likely frivolous, or encouraged if not fabricated by Republican supporters. Some of them do however reach a reasonable level on a truth meter. The Paula Jones case in particular, where the allegation was made reasonable soon after the alleged incident, the case went to court, and Clinton eventually settled out of court for $850K.

In the case of Trump, as yet no litigation has been filed and perhaps never will. Any reasonable person would question whether these allegations are based in fact, or are politically motivated. The timing would suggest they are politically motivated. If Trump is such a serial sexual predator as is alleged, where are the women he has assaulted in say the past decade? Why are all these women making allegations now, when in some cases they had over 20 years to make allegations? Could it be that they are Hillary supporters? Could they be after a few bob or a few minutes of fame? Could it be they are being paid by the Clinton campaign? All valid questions.

The fact you would refer to the latest scandal involving campaign contributions as old news and discounted by the FBI reveals how out of touch you are with what is going on. The revelations involving Gov. Terry McAuliffe broke over the weekend in independent media, and only the WSJ have covered them so far, none of the major outlets have touched the story as yet.

Trump was the one who introduced misogynistic rhetoric to the campaign, against Megyn Kelly, against Carly Fiorina, against Alicia Machado, against Clinton herself.

The public have a right to know if there is a pattern of sexual assault allegations against a candidate. They have a right to know if he has been caught on tape being braggadocious about committing sexual assault.

Trump does not have a right to silence women making allegations against him.

You well know that there’s a massive power imbalance between somebody like Trump and the women he’s alleged to have sexually assaulted. It’s extremely difficult for such women to take have sexual assault allegations against somebody as rich and powerful as him taken seriously, especially if the charge is not one of outright rape. Once one did come forward and the public finally copped on to the fact he was a disgusting misogynist sleazebag, the dam burst, and clearly there are no plenty of women out there who, now thankfully, feel more able to come forward.

A woman has the right to come forward with an allegation for any amount of years afterwards - to belittle allegations merely because of time elapsed is to defend the culture of abuse of power and using power to silence others that Trump represents.

The Bill Clinton cases have all been dealt with in court - he has not been found guilty in any of those cases - and once again I must point out he’s not running, so is irrelevant.

“…exposes you as an idiot”
“…reveals how out of touch you are”
“…a complete moron”
“…an idiot”
“…you dimwit”

You’re an awful bore. A bore who probably has anger management problems, but a bore nonetheless.

You are absolutely right, this has become boring, and this will be my last exchange with you on the subject.

I don’t generally resort to name calling, but make an exception for pricks like you who throw around accusations like misogyny and victim blaming. I have massive sympathy for victims of sexual crime or indeed victims of any violent crime. I have known victims of sexual assault and rape and seen first hand the devastation that results. I have also known victims of false rape claims, also devastating to those involved, not just the individuals involved but also their loved ones.

In my opinion, there are several factors that hurt the cause of genuine sexual assault victims; false accusers, angry feminists who insist all accusers should be believed, and most importantly the politicization of sexual assault. The point being missed in all the hysteria is that everyone is entitled to due process, whether it’s Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, or a college kid accused of rape by someone who feels regret after a consensual act. That’s not the way the sexual grievance industry (led by Gloria Allred) in the US sees it though, to them all claims of sexual assault are to be believed, and those accused have the burden of proof to demonstrate their innocence.

The Trump v Clinton political war on this issue has to be understood in this context. Hillary Clinton herself has publicly stated on sexual assault claims “everybody should be believed at first, until they are disbelieved based on evidence”, “everyone” meaning everyone except those accusing her husband of course. Other than making a mockery of the justice system, it’s a bit rich coming from someone who destroyed a 12 year old girl’s reputation while defending her rapist. A recently hired member of her team, Zerlina Maxwell, had this to say in the Washington Post after the Duke lacrosse case where several students were falsely accused of rape “We should believe, as a matter of default, what an accuser says. Ultimately, the costs of disbelieving a survivor far outweigh calling someone a rapist”.

There is no doubt sexual assault is a serious issue in society, but the way to solve it is not by assuming all claims of sexual assault are true until proven false, or in particular turning the issue into a political football. Anyone who thinks the charges against Trump, whether they are true or false, were not orchestrated by the Clinton campaign, is an absolute idiot. In reality they trivialize sexual assault, as there isn’t one of the claims that would make it into court, so ultimately do more harm than good to genuine cases.

In what way did she do that? Clinton was a court appointed public defence lawyer who had a duty to represent her client, which she did. The victim (Kathy Shelton) has changed her story several times about what happened at the trial, after initially making false claims about what Clinton did during it. Trump and Trump-biased media have consistently and deliberately misrepresented and outright lied about what happened during the case.

Trump, by your own standards, has trivialised sexual assault by using Bill Clinton’s accusers, who all already had their days in court.

He’s trivialised sexual assault and misogyny over the whole campaign.

The Trump accusers’ stories have been corroborated by numerous different accounts - ones which weren’t corroborated by multiple sources weren’t published by reputable media.

The stories of the women show a clear pattern that Trump is a misogynist pig, and the purpose of them is to let people know that if they vote for him, they’ll be voting to elect a President for whom trivialisation of sexual assault is a lifestyle choice. I can’t think of a bigger way to trivialise sexual assault than voting for somebody like that.

Again, you’re starting from a point where you assume these claims are false by making a point of differentiating then from “genuine cases”.

…point of clarification, to correct your obvious lack of knowledge…

Only one Clinton accuser (of roughly 17) had a day in court, Paula Jones. Here’s a few articles from a left wing (your favorite) source to learn about the various Bill Clinton accusations. They happen to believe the Juanita Broaddrick claim has the most merit. I personally regard the Jones one as stronger, as the main doubt in her case is her description of his cock.

I am not trivializing the claims against Trump for the reasons you suggest i.e. stating they are false. I am stating my opinion that they are most likely being orchestrated by the Clinton campaign, which anyone with half a brain would conclude. No question Trump is a womanizing misogynist pig, but it’s a real stretch to conclude there is solid evidence, that a court would find compelling, of sexual assault.

Getting back to the actual election (the novelty of that) - a record 2.5 million voters in Florida have requested early voting ballots. Republicans are ahead in requests, 43% to 38% Democrats. However, in 2008 at this point, the comparable numbers were 51% Repubs and 32% Dems, so this seems to be an early indication of a decrease in republican voters and increase in Dems. Obama won Florida in 2008 by 2.8% .
These figures from Catalist, a firm aligned with the Democrats that worked for them in Florida in 2008. (I’d hate to post something on this thread without it’s source)


What did he win it by in 2012 m8t?


Sounds like it’s tightening. Hard to know how Florida will vote.

I see where Texas is now in play.

That would be something.

Texas not in play. Trump has 80%+ chance of winning there. It will be closer that the last number of elections where Republicans have won by huge margins, but Trump will still take Texas.

This is the only site that really matters…

The surprising one is Arizona, a toss up with Clinton leading.
Also surprising that Clinton is 70% chance of winning N.Carolina. Granted Obama won it before, and it has a lot of recent northern transplants, but it still has a shit ton of Rednecks there. The fact that Trump isn’t leading there shows he hasn’t a fucking hope of winning the whole thing.

Would be a miracle for Trump to win at this point. He’d have to come out with a video of Hillary riding baby seals with a strap-on to turn it around now.