US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

@anon7035031, as the TFK’s foremost US political pundit, what do you make of this?

If you listen to Donald Trump or Sean Hannity, the United States is heading for a Brexit-style surprise on Election Day, in which the pollsters and pundits who have largely written off the Republican Presidential candidate get humiliated. “There’s going to be a lot of Brexit happening in about two weeks,” Trump said in Florida on Tuesday. “Remember that? Everyone went to bed. They said, ‘Oh, gee, I think it’s not going to happen,’ and I said it’s going to happen.”

I myself made the mistake of trusting the polls in the run-up to the June 23rd vote in Britain, which makes me wary of entirely dismissing Trump’s theory. Some of the parallels are hard to ignore, so earlier this week I called Peter Kellner, a veteran British political commentator, and a former president of the polling firm YouGov, which was one of the many survey groups that got the Brexit result wrong, to discuss them. “Your typical Brexit voter was an older white male voter who had not gone to university, and that’s your typical Trump voter, too,” Kellner told me.

Generally speaking, the U.K. pollsters misjudged such voters, many of whom were alienated from the political process and hadn’t voted in recent general elections. Part of the problem was in how the pollsters initially weighted older working-class voters, compared with other population groups. But Kellner said he suspects the main problem was that many Leave voters simply refused to participate in the polls, which, consequently, left them working with biased samples. And while Kellner stressed that he wasn’t making a prediction about the U.S. election, he noted that, theoretically at least, the same issue could arise here. “If there is a correlation between willingness to vote for Trump and distrust of anybody with power or authority, and that bleeds over into the attitude towards pollsters, there could be a problem.”

There could indeed. But there are also a number of reasons to believe that a repeat of what happened in Britain won’t happen in the United States. Here are five of them:

  1. The polls were much closer in the run-up to Brexit. According to the Huffington Post’s Brexit poll average, which combined the results from a large number of surveys, the Remain side was ahead for most of the two months leading up to the vote—but its lead was never very big. In fact, it peaked at 4.2 percentage points. And, about two weeks before the referendum, the Leave side took a narrow lead, which it kept until just a few days before June 23rd. Remain then crept ahead again, but not by much. If you averaged the final numbers from each polling organization, and ignored the undecideds, the figures were: Remain, fifty-one per cent; Leave, forty-nine per cent. The actual result was: Remain, forty-eight per cent; Leave, fifty-two per cent.

The polling numbers in the American election matchup look very different. Since the start of August, Hillary Clinton has retained a lead of between roughly four and eight percentage points, according to the Huffington Post’s poll average. The closet Trump has come was in the second week of September, when he reduced the gap to 3.9 points, but it soon widened again. Since the end of September, when the first Presidential debate was held, Clinton’s lead has grown, and in the past couple of weeks it has been in the range of seven to eight points.

Other poll averages, which are constructed a bit differently from the Huffington Post average, indicate the race is a bit tighter. On Thursday evening, the poll averages at Real Clear Politics, the Times, and FiveThirtyEight all estimated the gap between the two candidates at somewhere between 5.5 and 5.9 percentage points. But, looking back a bit, almost all the polls show the same basic picture: Clinton out ahead since the Conventions. If Trump doesn’t close the gap much before Election Day, it would take a big forecasting error for him to win the popular vote.

  1. State polls confirm Trump is struggling. No election anywhere else in the world is subjected to the amount of scrutiny from pollsters that an American Presidential election receives. FiveThirtyEight’s database lists almost a thousand national polls, and that doesn’t count all the surveys at the state level, many of them carried out by research organizations with extensive local experience. If the national polls were missing something, you might expect some of the local surveys to pick it up. But the picture at the state level is just as worrying for Trump.

Trump always faced a disadvantage in the Electoral College. To get to the necessary two hundred and seventy votes, he has to carry all the Republican-leaning states; win three toss-up contests in Florida, North Carolina, and Ohio; and then either pull off a surprise in Pennsylvania or win Nevada, New Hampshire, and the 1st Congressional District in Maine, which has one electoral vote.

Right now, according to the Real Clear Politics polling averages, the three toss-up states are still toss-ups, as is Nevada. But Clinton is leading by 6.5 percentage points in New Hampshire, and by five points in Pennsylvania. If you want to dismiss these state polls, as some Trump supporters do, you have to argue that the pollsters are systematically underestimating Trump support at the local level as well as the national level. But, as the next points make clear, that seems unlikely.

  1. Voter-registration figures don’t support the idea of a Trump surge. In the Brexit vote, one of the big stories was turnout. At the May, 2015, British general election, the turnout was sixty-six per cent; in the June, 2016, referendum, it was seventy-two per cent. Some three million unanticipated voters showed up at the polls, and most analysts believe almost all of them voted for Leave.

Could something similar happen in the U.S.? In a recent article at FiveThirtyEight, the political analyst David Wasserman estimated that about forty-seven million white voters without a college degree did not vote in 2012. If Trump could get just one in eight of these voters to turn out on his behalf, Wasserman wrote, he would “wipe out Obama’s 2012 margins in three states — Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania — and win both the Electoral College and the popular vote.”

That sounds encouraging for Trump. The problem is that about three-quarters of these white voters weren’t registered to vote before this year, and there’s little evidence that they have been enrolling en masse. Wasserman looked at the figures for new-voter registrations from Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, and Virginia. In all four of these states, he found that registrations had increased in white working-class areas, but that those increases lagged the ones seen in areas with a lot of minorities and highly educated voters. This isn’t particularly surprising. Trump doesn’t really have a ground game: he’s been relying on the efforts of the Republican National Committee. The Clinton campaign, by contrast, has invested heavily in voter-registration drives.

  1. Independent and third-party voters don’t trust Trump. If the Republican candidate isn’t going to get a big boost from voting groups that the pollsters are missing, or undercounting, the only way for him to close the gap is to win over independents and people currently supporting third-party candidates. But this won’t be easy (I am ruling out completely the possibility that, at this late stage, he will be able to convert Clinton supporters in significant numbers.)

Trump’s problem here is one he has had all along. While he boasts a large number of enthusiastic supporters, people who aren’t committed to him tend to view him with a lot of mistrust. You can see this even in polls that show him within hailing distance of Clinton, such as a Fox News survey that was released on Wednesday and showed Trump just three points behind in a four-way matchup and five points behind in a head-to-head contest.

In responding to the pollsters, sixty-four per cent of self-identified independents said they didn’t think Trump had the temperament to be President, and fifty-seven per cent said they were “not at all” or “not very” confident in his ability to handle a crisis. Clinton’s ratings among independents weren’t stellar, either. But on these key questions they were better than those of her opponent. “Trump needs a solid majority of undecided voters and wavering supporters of third-party candidates,” Chris Anderson, one of the pollsters who carried out the survey, commented, “and that’s extremely unlikely since most of them think he lacks the judgment, temperament, and qualifications to be president.”

  1. A referendum isn’t a Presidential election. In voting to leave the European Union, the disaffected masses in the U.K. expressed support for the nationalistic (and outmoded) ideal of Great Britain alone and independent. But one thing the Leave voters didn’t have to do was express support for any particular individual—not Michael Gove, the Conservative cabinet minister who served as the official leader of the Leave campaign; or Boris Johnson, the former mayor of London, who was the campaign’s unofficial leader; or Nigel Farage, the longtime leader of the anti-E.U. U.K. Independence Party. The public symbol of the campaign was not a person but a flag: the Union Jack.

A Presidential election is different. As Alec Phillips, an economist at Goldman Sachs, wrote this week in a research circular distributed to the firm’s clients, “while both situations represented an opportunity for voters to endorse a change in the status quo, voters in the UK were asked to decide on an idea whereas in the U.S. they are being asked to decide on a person.” If Americans want to register a call for change, rather than a continuation of the past eight years, the person they have to vote for is Trump.

That changes things. Since the Brexit vote, it has become evident that, beyond communicating a huge “screw you” to Britain’s political, media, and business establishment—which was largely on the Remain side—many Leave voters had little concrete idea what they were voting for. The consequences of a vote for Trump are a lot more clear: come January, he will be in the Oval Office. And ever since he won the Republican nomination, that hasn’t seemed like a prospect that a majority of Americans can unite behind.

I would largely agree with it, as although the sentiment driving Brexit is very similar to that behind Trump’s support, it doesn’t mean it will translate to the result. The biggest issue has always been turnout, as both candidates have such high unfavorable ratings. A lot of people will be holding their nose voting. The likely decisive factor is something the writer referenced, Democrats have a huge political machine that is united behind Hillary, while the Republicans are deeply divided and Trump is actually getting very little help from the RNC. It’s actually incredible how well his support has held up, given all the shit thrown his way and that so many, including leading Republican figures, have come out publicly against him. That’s a reflection of how divided the country is, not something that is likely to change anytime soon.

Breaking News…
FBI director Comey has just sent a letter to congress indicating the FBI are investigating additional Clinton emails that turned up while investigating an unrelated case. This just after he announced recently the investigation was complete.

edit: Markets collapsing on the news.

Another excellent article by the WSJ’s Kimberely Strassel.

Donald giving it big licks live on Skynews now

Is this a gamechanger?

It’s a shocking move by Comey after announcing the investigation was complete.
In my opinion, either it’s something big, or Trump has pictures of Comey grabbing someone’s pussy.


‘Bigger than Watergate’ according to the Don

What’s the story with that ?

Your avatar is a pale reflection of mine.

Looks like this thing is nothing. Investigation isn’t reopened, they merely came across more emails in the course of another investigation. As Comey had testified the investigation was over and they found new evidence, he had to inform congress that wasn’t the case. Which is what this letter is.

@anon7035031 has been shitting on for the whole of this thread about how “the system is rigged in Clinton’s favour”.

This makes him look rather foolish. :grinning:

No, it make Comey look foolish. The rank and file who worked on the Clinton email case were appalled when Comey decided against charging her. It was only a matter of time before they would strike against him.

When you lose the dressing room, etc.

Trump has made significant gains on the Presidency financial spreads just now.


Hang on is the investigation open again or not !

The FBI announcing they’re looking at more e-mails 11 days before the election doesn’t strike me as the system being rigged in Clinton’s favour, mate.

One could fairly form the view that opposite may indeed be the case given the timing.

Perhaps while the FBI are at it they could also launch an investigation into the 22 million e-mails on a private server which were deleted by the George W. Bush administration.

Republicans are rather quiet on that issue.

Hillarys gone from 1.2 out to 1.34 on the machine

Comey has no choice. If his staff bring new evidence to his attention he must disclose it to congress. If it later transpired he had suppressed new evidence he would be fired.