US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

this is a decisive moment

No, the investigation is now effectively reopened. The primary goal of the investigation was whether Clinton lied when she claimed no classified emails were sent via her private server, which would jeopardize national security. Comey testified to congress that although many of her emails contained classified information, they weren’t clearly identified as classified. If this latest batch contain clearly identified classified information she has a big problem.

AP reporting the emails in question did not come from HRC’s private email server.

It’s being reported they came from devices belonging to Anthony Weiner, disgraced soon to be ex husband of Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin.

This is not good news for Clinton. The unfortunately named Weiner is being investigated for sexting a 15 year old.

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Will she have to withdraw from the presidential race ?

What a horrible situation it would be if someone under investigation by the FBI was inaugurated as US President

Details emerging of how the FBI obtained this new information.

Very Ironic :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

She shouldn’t be allowed to continue in the campaign with this unresolved. No doubt she’ll brazen it out though.

@anon7035031 , seems like a good judgement call from you regarding Clinton’s character.

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If it transpires that classified information that originated from one of her devices ended up on the device of a private citizen (Weiner), then she is toast.

If I were in Huma’s shoes I’d be legging it.


Fuck me I watched that documentary on a flight recently and meant to google it afterwards to see if it was a spoof or not. It’s obviously real so :joy:


Joe Biden says he is ‘not interested’ in serving as secretary of state for Hillary Clinton

Joe is joining the MMA


Good old Weiner

Hon trump

Hopefully she is

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Mr Obama is live from Orlando at a Hillary event.

Will he try to defend the individual who is under a criminal investigation by the FBI ?

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On this evening of unprecedented scandal, Clinton is forced to appear at a press conference in Des Moines. Starting shortly…

FBI going through thousands of more Hillary mails and under pressure to release information before the election date.

Worryingly is that 10 Million votes have already been cast.

Press conference went as expected:
“Why are the FBI releasing this 11 days before the election”? “Comey sent the letter to Republicans in congress”. She used the word Republicans about 15 times, code for this is a Republican conspiracy.
No, you lying bitch, Comey sent the letter to Republican and Democratic leaders in both houses, as he is obliged to do under the law. She simply cannot open her mouth without uttering a lie.

She also looked very angry. What appears to have happened is Huma forwarded emails from her State department office to hubby’s laptop at home. The FBI stumbled on them while searching for pictures of Weiner’s weiner that he allegedly sent to a 15 year old.

I would love to be Trump’s campaign manager just for a few days.

You know jack shit

Yes, you’d have a wonderful way about you in that position. You’re wasted here with the fucktards like fisty.