US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Safe to say thats a position that will come available in the coming weeks.

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CNN showing a map with a lot more red / leaning red than we would have expected.

Perhaps they are just letting dem voters know that they still need to be encouraged to get out and vote and close out this thing.

Amazing how badly Gary Johnson has done against two circus acts of opponents. Libertarianism to remain an ideology for racist stoners.


Thinly veiled cut at @anon7035031 there.

Major flop from the neckbeards though, while they were never likely to win, this was a perfect opportunity for them to raise the party profile as a viable 3rd party, esp with two former Rep state governors on their ticket.
On the other hand it shows the depth of hatred for Hillary among certain Libertarian elements of the Rep party that they were more willing to vote for Trump in an effort to stop Hillary rather than someone who more perfectly lined up with their political philosophy.

Alex Jones is going live for 52 hours from his bunker. Craic haigh.

Thereā€™s no way he doesnā€™t have a heart attack at some stage.
Heā€™s already admitted to having paid for 5 abortions by the time he was 16.
Found the god lad though.
And now look at him.


Terrible all rights. Nearly as rough looking as the Trump lad facing opposite

Ebeneezer has a few buckets to his name also from his youthful dalliances. watch out for him in the local elections if he ever finds religion. @anon98850436

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Heā€™s gone on a break. All it is now is some beardy lad flogging shit.

Fuck has he

Fr Jack Hackett there on the news.

A fellow by the name of Pat Troy.

Very Fr Jackā€™esque with a bit of a US twang.

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Ron Paul would have done much better if he was up to it

Ron Jeremy would have been better


Ron Atkinson would have been perfect for the Republicans.

He is always up for it .

Why ???

Going for Janet Reno, who died earlier today. Apparently she was a paedophile.

Top entertainment here.

And so the day finally arrives. May the best man win.

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Dixville Notch, New Hampshire has voted. Midnight vote, 8 voters, we have a result.

Clinton 4
Trump 2
Johnson 1
Write in for Romney 1


Romney :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Thereā€™s always one