US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Are there many deplorables living on your street?

They are all decent people mate, like most people.

That’s some rant.

Trump pulls ahead in PA :us::us::us::us:

CNN calls Iowa for the Donald

That’s a rant that would do justice to Jim Allister or the likes.

Ethnic minorities don’t count as real people in the eyes of people like you.

Should we expect you to keep your word and retire your account ?


Not all Trump supporters are racists. All racists are Trump supporters. :slight_smile:

Oh look at ickle Sidney, now trotting out the racist line. He doesn’t give a shit about southern “rednecks” or jobless, formerly skilled manufacturers in the rust belt as it isn’t cool in Hollywood to talk about these people being trod on.

You have been schooled by people who are actually American or take an effort to take a look outside the bubble.

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It’s a serious point, mate, clearly you’re offended by it.

Like all the anti-PC warriors, you take offence at the least thing.



@Sidney gave his word that he would retire his account.

Can we expect him to do the honourable thing and retire his account ?


As is mine, if someone said the same things that are regularly trotted out about tens of millions of ordinary Americans then there would be uproar (“rednecks”, “dumb bible thumpers” ect). As it isn’t cool in Hollywood (yet), there is no reaction. When Hollywood tells you to react, you will.

Not my fault you didn’t have the courage of your convictions to take me up on the offer, pal.

You could have been a contender, but couldn’t walk the walk.

I forgot to include you in the list of the true believers.

Many are called …

Fagan smashed it early as well. Listen to the old sage Sidney et al.

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There are far more racists who vote democrat mate. Wouldn’t expect you to understand that.

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Do you entirely speak in cliches or do you have a vocabulary outside of that?

Maybe you’re watching too much Hollywood.

Ah bro, i dont like trump but i have shown an in depth understanding of the American mindset.