US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

It’s not the 1950s mate, although Trump supporters are doing a pretty good job of trying to change that tonight.

If Donald can be half the president Ronald Reagan was, America will be ok.

This is the small town revolution against the establishment telling them they are an irrelevance. You don’t understand this as you are a Mick who consumes a biased form of media/pop culture and wouldn’t be nonplussed about a southerner being called a redneck. You are a desperate hypocrite who has been utterly humiliated.

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Again, you’re speaking entirely in cliches because you don’t have the ability to do otherwise.

You also showed an early understanding of the real American mindset. Sad that the baseline understanding that Sidney, Fitzy et al polluted this thread with stopped us from getting into the nitty gritty.

I understand you believe only white people can be racist, but it just magnifies how little you understand.


Not cliches. Check the numbers. Check the places that went Trump. FACTS.

You “understand” that because you don’t have the ability to “understand” anything else.


Bad night for @Steven_Naimsith, @Kid_Chocolate and the soon to vanish @maroonandpink.


Clinton leads NH by 18 votes


He can’t come back from this

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crooked hillary and the establishment has failed the US


Hon Trump.

Great day for the Banner @Tassotti. You’ve had some week.

Chris O’Donoghue’s jaunt to the US will be ruined.


This is a victory for the hard working people of middle America.

Industry will work for the people again

In China and El Salvador.