US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Paddy Power have done it again.
Ensured serious publicity for themselves with their Clinton payout, which most likely cost them nothing.

Trump will get two years before he loses the senate and becomes a lame duck. But thatā€™s enough time to do serious damage.

Elizabeth Warren will have the mandate to run on a similar platform to Bernie Sanders in 2020.

Trump offers nothing except the same trickle down, slash taxes for the rich nonsense, as well as wanting to slash financial regulation. Heā€™s likely to appoint Steve Mnuchin, a 17 year Goldman Sachs veteran, as Treasury Secretary.

Which again shows how laughable his claim to be ā€œan outsiderā€ is. Heā€™s the exact opposite.

Fuck knows what he will do. He has a mandate unlike anything in recent history, but no real policy. The actual reforms needed to improve the lives of the white working class that elected him are deeply threatening to the Billionaire class to which he belongs. So I donā€™t see him doing anything meaningful on that front. At the end of the day heā€™s a showman. So the sentiment is probably going to be the same. Heā€™ll keep throwing red meat to the masses in the form of ā€˜enemies of the peopleā€™. Political opponents, journalists, immigrants, muslims, or whatever foreign country he can conveniently bomb. Itā€™s all a show with Trump. As of yet, his actual agenda probably doesnā€™t exist.

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He will do what Obama has done over the last 8 years . Fuck all. He will appoint people like Newt Gingrich and Rudi Giuliani to high positions in the Cabinet and tell them to fuck off and ring him only if they need the code. He will have Paul Ryan doing somersaults in the Senate to keep him happy.
The amount of cunts that will pay to be close to him and play golf will be off the scales. He will make Bill Clinton look like an altar boy. This is the greatest mugging off since Dev told Mick Collins heā€™d meet him on the boat to London.


The thing is, I donā€™t believe it matters that his core policies will be more of the same. His biggest mandate is for calling people out, as he did in the campaign. He will just blame the usual folk villains targeted by the right wing, but in even cruder terms. And his base simply wonā€™t believe any media outlet that contradicts him, with facts or otherwise.

If he is to lose in four years, it will be because the Democrat establishment fail to prevent a firebrand outsider winning the candidacy. Or because America slides into a deep recession that is so bad his base will listen to someone else.

Heā€™ll hardly do the 4 years will he? Surely be impeached before then?

elizabeth who??

Thatā€™s the most optimistic thing Iā€™ve seen today

By who?

By who and What for?

They should have been shouting the odds about the 8 years of Obamaā€™s presidency being the most public and high profile case of institutional racism of all time.

The house of representatives for being a raper?

Elizabeth ā€œPocahontasā€**** Warren

**** President Elect D J Trump has a wonderful way with words.

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Two cunts infinitely more sickening than Trump himself.

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does causing havoc best serve his own business interests?

after spending the night watching coverage on all known broadcast networks whilst similataneouly watching and listening to a test match, reading all the main international news editions and catching the early stages of morning ireland has @Sidney gone to work or bed?


Not both anyway because if there was work in the bed heā€™d be on the floor.

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The likelihood is that Trump is going to preside over an economic mess and the rust belt states will continue to decline. Automation is not going away.

Despite this result, the demographics nationwide continue to move towards the Democrats.

Trump will need to engineer a situation where the Republicans and the Democrats split even more deeply along racial lines than they already are if he is to hang onto those states - heā€™ll need to press home race as the primary issue motivating his support in these states over the economy. But thereā€™s only so long that ā€œcalling out peopleā€ will last, and it could wear very thin very quickly if he continues in the same vein he has up to now and things decline economically.

Of course he can always start a war in 2019 as a distraction, or quite possibly sooner.

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I think we all know the answer to that.

Heā€™ll have to do something big on immigration fairly sharpish, not quite the mass deportations he threatened but some heavy restrictions and maybe an increase in deportations (although Obama is well away on this front already).
The most interesting aspect is his protectionist policies so blocking TTIP, TPP and maybe rowing back on NAFTA might be easy targets. An auld trade war with China as well perhaps.
Free trade has completely failed the US and an a economy of its size could work well in a protectionist environment, (unlike Ireland which as history has shown is far too small for protectionist policies). Get those steel mills working again etc. But there could be some fairly sharp inflation while they adjust to being weened off the cheap Chinese products theyā€™ve been living on for so long.