US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Crooked Hilary has been destroyed. Great to see a career politician left reeling.


A great day for democracy


i canā€™t believe we have found common ground and are in agreement on something. Who said this was a divisive election.

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TFK is united in our hatred of crooked Hillary


Itā€™s time to drain the swamp!!


A lot of boxes being packed in Washington as we speak. Looks a bit like the weekend Lehman collapsed in 2008.

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we done it buddy




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A silent fuck it vote is wot won it.


Iā€™m giving that a like. May 5. What a call.


Congratulations @anon7035031, a well earned victory.


Delighted for @anon7035031. Delighted for Donald Trump. Delighted for crooked Hillary. Delighted for that wanker Niall ODowd. Delighted for democracy.

There an an awful lot of uninformed ignorant loudmouths posting here.


The People Who Have Been Mugged Off thread is going to be busy today

Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!

Some fella at Trumpā€™s victory speech shouted ā€œkill Obamaā€ and nobody even flinched. Free speech rocks.

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Trump has absolutely torn up the rule book in relation to running for Office. Itā€™s like he read a book on how to become president and decided to do the exact opposite.

According to my twitter feed and twitter in general, black Americans are seeing this as a pretty clear act of racism.
Seem to be battening down the hatches.

Itā€™s the first time the two major parties havenā€™t had candidates they can control as well though. Trump called bullshit on a lot of issues that a regular GOP candidate would never touch. While the blatantly racist nature of his campaign canā€™t be overlooked, the whole straight talking thing was what won the swing voters. Whatā€™s possible now is that democratic party will experience major internal turmoil with an outsider winning their candidacy next time. If that happens the political agenda of the last 30 years is dead and buried, presuming that this has not already happened.

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Do you think Trump will moderate now that he has power?
There isnā€™t really any reason for him to do so. He has been elected on a mandate to cause havoc

Black Americans overwhelmingly supported one of the least likeable candidates in living memory in the primaries. Then they didnā€™t turn out to vote. Not the story of the election by any means but they (the black political class at least) are as tied to Clinton as anyone.