US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Anyone know when the French election is?

Time to start buying up all those foreclosed properties in Detroit.
Trump is going to make it the industrial power house of the world once again.

Detroit could be the new Limerick.

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Some lad from one of those areas was interviewed on the news during the week and he was asked about Trumps promises, he said ā€œwe know heā€™s lying but at least heā€™s giving us hopeā€

False hope trumps no hope.

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Detroit is already well on the way to recovery I believe. The bankruptcy worked wonders. Albeit like a lot of american cities you are dealing with extremes of wealth and poverty.

A question I asked of @anon7035031 during the election but dont think he responded, or maybe just didnt know the answer. I was curious as to how the ā€œblind trustā€ works for the wealth and business interests of POTUS.

I would assume that most of the time the blind trust contains cash and investments that can be adequately managed by a trustee. But if Trump has this massive, complex business empire, with ongoing development work etc that would seem to me to be a completely different kettle of fish.

Who gets to nominate the trustee?

it is some leap of faith to put your billion dollar empire into someone elses hands for 4 years. Youd also want to be sure there wasnt any skeletons that required ongoing cover up

@Tim_Riggins @Sidney @Watch_The_Break

any idea?

Trumpā€™s plan was to put the daughter in charge of his affairs as far as I know. Not sure if heā€™s allowed to do that but my guess is heā€™ll try.

that would be some joke if he can do that. Has there ever been a president with such an active billion dollar business before now?

Doubt it. There have been super rich presidents before alright but I donā€™t think any would have had a portfolio like Trumpā€™s. The blind trust has only been in the books for the president for 40 years or so anyway. I think only Romney would have had a major issue with it had he won.

Surprised he wasnt challenged on it TBH. The potential for enrichment of his business and damage to business rivals is virtually unlimited with the power he has now.

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That makes him smart.

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wouldnt question that. Interesting to see how he manages it.

Article posted on Apr 19, 2010

This paragraph in particular

ā€œThe United States is extremely lucky that no honest, charismatic figure has arisen,ā€ Chomsky went on. ā€œEvery charismatic figure is such an obvious crook that he destroys himself, like McCarthy or Nixon or the evangelist preachers. If somebody comes along who is charismatic and honest this country is in real trouble because of the frustration, disillusionment, the justified anger and the absence of any coherent response. What are people supposed to think if someone says ā€˜I have got an answer, we have an enemyā€™? There it was the Jews. Here it will be the illegal immigrants and the blacks. We will be told that white males are a persecuted minority. We will be told we have to defend ourselves and the honor of the nation. Military force will be exalted. People will be beaten up. This could become an overwhelming force. And if it happens it will be more dangerous than Germany. The United States is the world power. Germany was powerful but had more powerful antagonists. I donā€™t think all this is very far away. If the polls are accurate it is not the Republicans but the right-wing Republicans, the crazed Republicans, who will sweep the next election.ā€


Gas lads trying to look inside trumps head and guess what his plans are. He has none. He didnā€™t want the job, and up until stepping on the podium last night he didnā€™t think he was going to be burdened with it anyway. He bares no resemblance to any previous republican, heā€™s a lifelong democratic donor ffs so all he will be is an empty suit, a buffoon. He just happened to have the only opponent he could beat and be the first candidate to benefit from the majority of whites deciding they needed to vote en bloc to push what they thought were their interests, in a direct response to the black community coalescing and voting together for Obama twice. I think will now, finally, pivot towards the centre, come out with a few protectionist and isolationist strategies etc. Itā€™ll depend who he appoints to head departments as they will have a free rein, not particularly having to follow any vision or plan other than making America great.

I agree there, the key point is who gets the powerful jobs on offer as it is hard to see him being a 12 hours a day hands-on president. He may well turn into Calvin Coolidge.

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Theyā€™ll be all ears now I bet, from June 2015

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Are you not trying to get into his head yourself? After ridiculing people for doing the same.

You canā€™t do shit like that on the internet.