US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Good ol Gemma, always there, for the rest of our days, fighting for all our souls

Who’s that with Dennis?,width=280,height=280?mediaType=png

The thing I don’t understand was why is Trump viewed as such a danger and Clinton viewed as a much better alternative.

It’s probably like choosing between Richard Keys or Kay Burley for the PM job in the UK, at least Keys has a bit of banter about him.


it really is an astonishing victory

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Next May



Plenty of bedwetters here are suckers for that line of thinking.

They’ll be on later getting all offended about it.

Thus place is full of Trump supporters. Lads that are used to their privileged position as a ‘straight white male’ and can’t get their heads around equality.

They won’t be as offended as you are right now.


They must be the silent majority then, as there have only been a few on here that even try and understand why people might have voted Trump.

Ireland has become a nation of wussy PC imbeciles. This place is like an oasis in a desert, in that there are at least a few rational voices.


Strange how it’s only white people banging on about pc this and pc that.

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Clinton campaigners complaining the result is sexist. If she had won they would all be saying she won it on merit …


Yeah her comments on the glass ceiling was disingenuous…fact is there were probably loads of women could have been elected…just not you love


She wouldn’t have represented a progressive victory for feminists in any event. She was campaigning from a position of entitlement, with a serious power base. Clinton winning wouldn’t have told us a woman can elected to the White House. It would have said that a woman whose husband has previously been President and who has spent her life in the top echelons of power (partly as a result of her husband’s achievements) can elected. That’s not progress.


Correct. 55% of women voters backed Obama in 2012, fell to 54% in 2016 for Clinton. A staggering statistic for the first female nominee, she couldn’t even attract females. In addition, she got 65% of the Latino vote compared to 71% for Obama, 54% of the young vote compared to 60% for Obama, and 53% of the earning less then $50K vote compared to 60% for Obama (so much for the Democrats being the party of the lower income).

All the groups that were insulted by Trump voted for her in smaller % than Obama, and Trump’s vote held up for all those groups or expanded.

But of course the race was all about sexism, racism, and rich white people oppressing poor minorities.

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Enda is going to the White House on Paddy’s Day.

I’m starting to be really taken by President Trump.

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That’s complete horseshit.

Latinos and African Americans are some of the most religious people in the US and naturally, would be wary of same sex marriage and transgender stuff going so mainstream. This is baseline ignorance of real Americans.

Your bullshit line above is typical of the metropolitan elite who think they know everything. It’s easy to brow beat on white “red necks”, evangelicals and any of the other assorted non cool demos out there these days. You can’t possibly imagine that blacks or Latinos might have non PC views, easy to attack the patriarchy.

There’s a reason why Trump won 29% of Asians and Latinos, along with increasing his share of African Americans (from an admirably low base). Liberals these days are a whiny bunch who use buzzwords like “post factual society” but won’t engage in fact based discussions if it might offend somebody (Islam is totally a religion of peace).