US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

This is very sad for Sid.

The final nail in his ever closing coffin.

Fucksake Iv never seen anyone disintegrate like that on the internet before, I doubt even @Tassotti has.
Maybe time for the moderators to step in here before it gets out of hand.

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Send him into St. John of gods.

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Aren’t we blessed to have you here to explain things to us :joy: fuck sake. I’d actually agree with a lot of your causes but you are an awful arrogant know it all fucking eejit.

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this is a triumph of optimism

He never had it.

The darts isn’t far away, no doubt he will make a comeback for that broken record.

And the sheep came grazing, just like I predicted.

So, so predictable.

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But you did, mate.

You’re an utter hypocrite.

Your narrative is all over the place, it doesn’t correspond with fact.

It might not be perfect, but it’s a lot closer to fact than the lad who was gambling the taxpayer’s money on Hillary winning 350 electoral votes on Tuesday night.

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Tricky Dicky’s wife was a Ryan, a spud-eater, what would she have known?


Can you explain to me how a fundamental part of your narrative, that race played no role in the Trump campaign, so contradicts your firm assertion that race was the central factor in the Republicans’ opposition to Obama up to 2012, and the general Republican platform before Obama’s presidency?

This is a fundamental contradiction, as contradictory as @Tim_Riggins getting offended about some people ridiculing Trump voters, when five months earlier he had been losing the plot over Brexit, calling Leave voters “morons”.

Do bear in mind now that Trump was a central figure in the birther movement.

I don’t expect an answer other than a deflection or a lame quip, because you know well that the contradiction cannot be squared.

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Go to bed, you’ve been utterly destroyed.


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Posting New Yorker cartoons now, get out of your bedroom Sid

I don’t take instructions from pathetic no marks like you, mate.

Stick to posting about Liam Sheedy. It was a niche within a niche but you were good at it.

As for posting about anything else, though, you’re shit at it.

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Running around frantically trying to draw someone, anyone, into some semantic student union-type debate. Does he realise at all the grown-ups here have work in the morning?

Nice to see you’ve checked in again.

Still calling Leave voters “morons” or have you recovered?

Shut down for the night kid. Smoke a fag and get some sleep for yourself.

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