US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

The only one in tears here is you. You’ve humiliated yourself here over the last few weeks and are now putting together 5,000 word posts which nobody gives a fuck about, pulled from a variety of sources which you don’t understand. You are a prime example of what Taleb describes here ( We all are to an extent, but you are just the worst example. I’ve admitted to being wrong on here, but you just refuse to ever acknowledge that you can be wrong on something. That you don’t know all, even in the face of a humiliating defeat like this for your e-persona. As I said, go back to pretending to supporting the Northern Ireland football team, you’re done.


A simple bit of advice Sid . When in a hole stop digging .

Really Tim, posting links from Zero Hedge*. :joy:

Where have I claimed I know it all or don’t get things wrong, pal? That’s a huge assertion on your part. Are you imagining things again or just taking the INTERNET too seriously? Claiming vindication against me appears to be a very important thing to a lot of people around here, such as yourself, which is pleasing on my part. I will admit to like claiming the odd vindication against yourself too. :slight_smile:. I like to write, give my view and call it as I see it, as you do yourself.

*Yourself and @anon7035031 love to laugh at links I post, I fancy a bit of that too for once.

Because you go and search desperately for articles to back up your opinions after the fact. Taleb wrote one of the most talked about books of the last decade ffs. :expressionless:

It’s not vindication, it’s laughing at you and others like @Steven_Naimsith and @Watch_The_Break for being so arrogant in the months leading up to the election. Laughing at others who know stuff on the ground (and isn’t a former illegal like Steven, biased naturally). Your reaction has been hilarious since, instead of eating humble pie you go around searching back years and years on people’s posts and write long form “explanation” pieces for the plebs.

Whatever about quitting the forum outright, @Sidney now needs to take the honourable course of action and withdraw from all discussion on the US Presidential Election 2016.

Some good bants


It’s consistently implied in your posting style and the fact that you go to immense lengths in your efforts to win internet debates with strangers. Honestly, I don’t know where you find the time. Clearly you are a very well-read individual, and I don’t think too many will dispute that or take it away from you. But there are people out there that are even more well-read and have more common sense than you. Learn to spot them and act accordingly.


It looks like there’s a few LOLZ talking place there too. Good times.

A blind man could see it.

I called it the day before the election when all here were wavering and losing faith. There was only ever going to be one winner when crooked Hillary was involved.

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The clamping of the decade .

Sifting through the rumoured names for cabinet positions and I think this one could hit the ground running;

  • Steve Bannon as Chief of Staff: He has led Breitbart to becoming one of the most important news organisations in the US and was CEO of the campaign. Is there anyone better?

  • Chris Christie as AG: He was loyal during the campaign and deserves a spot. This is a good chance for him to show his chops in the big time. He might be worth a look in 2020 if one of the Trump’s doesn’t want to run for it but he’ll need to lose a little more weight (oh the misandry)

  • Gen Michael Flynn for Secretary of Defence: Loyal, experienced, he will do a tremendous job

  • Sen Bob Corker for Secretary of State: Heads the Foreign Relations Committee in Congress. He is all about keeping things steady in the ME which I like. Won’t get us into wars but will keep a steady hand. Bolton has been suggested, which I hope is a joke

  • Peter Thiel for Commerce: he really gets it and ticks a few important diversity boxes

  • Steven Mnuchin for SoT: it’s going to be him so not really worth thinking about

  • Newt for Secretary of the Interior: got to keep him happy and he deserves it

  • Little Marco for Education: as much as I dislike the toad, it would be good to keep him onside rather than pissing from outside the tent.

  • Kellyanne Conway for Press Secretary: she is a must for this role but she will command $$$

  • Sarah Palin as National Security Adviser: They all laughed in 2008 when she said she could see Russia from Alaska and could handle the Russians. All the liberal media. 8 years later we have a renewal of Cold War relations and the US has lost it’s position as global leader. Maybe a bit of neighborly love is what is required right now. She isn’t quite up to being Secretary of State yet, but like Condi Rice could grow and mature in this role and then take over during Ivanka’s first term in 2020 as SoS.

  • Sean Hannity for Senior Advisor: gets the mood of the nation like no other. Give him two years in the role before he steps back into the media, maybe quietly setting up the Trump News Network if Donald doesn’t want to run in 2020

I’ll have a few more thoughts in the coming days

What do you mean by “after the fact”?

Posting an article that I agree with is exactly that. Any article on this topic that I post contains relevant information as I see it going forward or an analysis of what happened in the recent past.

Now, if, since yesterday morning, I had posted up an article from, say May or August, predicting why Clinton was a certainty to win, that would be posting an article to back up my previous opinion that Clinton was going to win, after the fact.

That would be pretty pointless and stupid, which is why I haven’t done something like that.

“Knowing stuff on the ground”, I presume you refer to people living in the US. Living in the US confers no more knowledge on how US politics works or will play out than living anywhere else, unless you’re actually directly involved in it. Living in a house in a prairie in Nebraska or wherever, as @anon7035031 does, confers no more knowledge about what’s happening in, say, Florida or North Carolina than living anywhere else in the world. As I’ve said before, there is a world of information out there at your fingertips and I’m sure we all have American or American-based friends (don’t we?) to correspond with and give their perspective.

What is hilarious is how you’re the one getting all offended about how a candidate most people wanted to lose winning the election has, amazingly enough, not been met with a positive reaction from those people. Apparently you think it should have been.

And of course as I pointed out earlier, you’re the very one that was screaming monosyllabic bloody murder about “morons” and “racist pensioners” after the Brexit vote. In terms of losing the plot, you could write the book on it.

Sorry, mate, you don’t make bets after the fact.

Bet 1 in the Geoffrey Boycott’s imaginary bets series is a NON-RUNNER.

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Having confidence in your opinions does not imply you are always right, pal. You’re the one making that implication.

Common sense is in the eye of the beholder. Your common sense will often not be my common sense and vice versa.

How did you get on there after Brexit?

Recommended from personal experience, obviously?

i have to say Sid has been very impressive since the defeat, he has come out swinging and lads that were happy that Trump won are not seething that Sid can explain the reasons Trump won

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To be fair to Sid, he agreed to the bet. But that chicken @ProjectX shat his pants.