US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

I get that, I’m not expecting religion to up and vanish or anything. But if we’re not meant to take religion and scriptures so literally, how do we condone such a blatant falsehood, and worse, teach it to bloody kids!

I do see what you mean about public schools, and obviously as I’m not American, it’s easy for me to look over. That should be improved on, but an egregious lie has no place in improving it.

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Bill and Jack had a fair few jumps anyway.

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He’s already done a lot for the people of Doonbeg and Co Clare

In fact, to add to this, isn’t it mad they run a campaign on freedom, on harsh truths, on anti-PC, yet we have to all pretend that a blatant lie is anything but for the sake of convenience? It’s ridiculous.

You’ve just made a very good case for it to be abolished.

It’ll never be abolished, but the electoral college is a ridiculous, archaic system.

The USA is a nation state, the position of President is a national one and should therefore be decided on a national popular vote, preferably with proportional representation in the way Ireland does it (your friend Gary Johnson could conceivably end up President under such a system) but either way it should be done on a popular vote.

It’s also farcical how the election is not standardised on a national level in terms of voting eligibility, polling hours, numbers of voting stations per area, methods of voting etc.

This gives state politicians (mostly Republican) the opportunity to gerrymander the election in their states by imposing voter suppression, undermanning polling stations and so forcing people to queue for hours, having less polling stations in ethnic minority-dominated areas etc. It’s partisan state interference in a national matter, with national consequences.

As it is currently, a select number of 10 to 12 or so states have a far disproportionate influence on who gets elected, to the detriment of the other 38-40 or so states where the result is pretty much a foregone conclusion each time.

The US likes to claim it has a one (wo)man, one vote system, but the reality is it doesn’t as each vote does not currently count equally, which is a distortion of the one (wo)man, one vote principle and a distortion of democracy. In a national popular vote, every vote counts the same.

A common argument is that the electoral college “gives states rights”. It doesn’t. It means around 38 to 40 states are effectively completely ignored during a presidential election.

If you’re a voter in New York, Kansas, Washington or Wyoming, you’re completely ignored because it’s obvious which way those states are going to vote. If you’re a Republican in Massachusetts or a Democrat in Kentucky, you’re effectively completely disenfranchised. In a national popular vote, every vote counts equally and the votes that make the difference come from every single part of the nation, not a handful of states.

The senate and house would be unaffected by a change to a standardised national popular vote in a Presidential election and the only right states would lose is the right to gerrymander.

As it is, with two of the last five popular vote winners losing the election, the US has a strong claim to have the worst system of electing a head of state or a Prime Minister anywhere in the western world*. Trump was right that the US election is rigged, but it’s rigged in the opposite way to what he thinks it is.

*The UK’s electoral system is arguably worse - first past the post is a nonsense - UKIP, much as I despise them, got over 4 million votes last time and ended up with 1 seat out of 650.


thats a very good piece, pal and brings some perspective to things. throughout this charade of a campaign, my thinking based strictly on foreign policy of the US, was that Trump was the lesser of two evils. Clinton’s history as secretary of state, the bombing and dethroning of gadaffi (in a country with the highest standard of living in Africa) which was a huge part in the creation of ISIS and her potential to push on and go into Syria was worrying. the build up of US bases, surrounding China and Russia is a serious worry. I still believe if she got in the potential to engender serious hostilities was huge. the thing is we dont know how Trump will proceed with things. He says he wants to get on with Russia, something that swayed me in his favor. in reality though having thought about it, when has a US government wanted to get on with Russia. would they turn their back on the Saudis and Israel in the proxy wars. i think no chance. i read in Trumps foreign policy plans that the US would no longer treat Israel as a 2nd class citizen (you could not make that one up). the problem now is we don’t know how this will proceed. but we can be sure with the $$ involved with war and rumors of war, the yanks won’t be pulling out of there for a long time. The republicans (just like the Democrats) are serious war mongers with huge greed and its their way or no way. the last time we had such a “high profile” individual as “commander and chief” was that mad cunt Reagan. The republicans now whether they give a shit about Trump or not are back in power and will continue i reckon as per the last 50-60 years. interesting times ahead.


vote x or y, with just over half the population actually voting, with x getting little more votes but ends up losing? democracy? the PC brigade really has come to TFK me thinks bud

Looks like an episode of Top Gear special

Serve America

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President Elect Trump has promised to change Washington, DC and that will start with identifying and recruiting the finest men and women from across the country to serve in his Administration. Any individual who wishes to serve the Administration should utilize this online application in order to participate.

The President Elect will make appointments for a variety of positions throughout the federal government; some will require Senate confirmation, while others will not. Appointments that require Senate confirmation include the Cabinet, subcabinet, members of regulatory commissions, ambassadorships, judgeships, as well as members of numerous advisory boards.


Service in the Trump-Pence Administration will be service to our Nation and thus a high honor, which demands both sacrifice and dedication. There are many factors to consider:

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Appointments and jobs of the Trump-Pence Administration are demanding, and the application process is rigorous

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A full FBI background check in which an applicants history of employment, personal, travel, medical, financial, legal, military and education background will likely take.

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All those wishing to apply for positions in the Trump-Pence Transition, Executive Office of the President, or a Federal Department, Agency or Commission should follow the instructions below:

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If you are considered for a nomination by the President Elect, you will be asked to complete FBI and financial disclosure forms for review and consideration. The types of forms you may be required to fill out are as follows: for National Security Positions (SF86) and for higher-level positions, the financial disclosure form, (SF278).Most appointees are required to file financial disclosure statements annually during their term of service.

If Senate confirmation is required for the position you are nominated for, the Senate committee that reviews those nominations may ask you to provide additional information.

One should assume that all of the information provided during this process is ultimately subject to public disclosure, if requested under the Freedom of Information Act.


Having a small penis?

All male Trump administration officials will presumably undergo a mandatory penis length examination to ensure they have the necessary alpha male qualities to serve.

Women will be allowed too but they must state they will be gropeable at all times.

You tempted to apply for a job?

I don’t think he wants immigrants, pal, but out of interest, could he offer me 20 Camel Lights a day and an eight pack of Tuborg at weekends as §art of the deal?

The anti democracy riots in the US are not getting the coverage they should be getting in the Irish media.
Were it Trump supporters doing the rioting having lost a democratic election then it would be wall to wall.
Iv Just seen a very disturbing video on Twitter of a young lady lift her pinafore on the street and shit onto a Trump poster as she leans backwards from a light post.


he doesn’t want them pal, besides the fact they (US) have created them. funny thing re mexico, there has actually been more US emigrants to there than vice versa…

Other than hope, what has he done that might suggest he might be a good Education secretary?

There’s a lot of coverage in the US. People have the right to protest, as long as it’s peaceful. There have been no serious incidents as yet, but it’s only a matter of time before the cops start cracking heads.

The liberal media are solely responsible for this. They created an image of Trump the monster who is going to legalize sexual assault and lock people up in concentration camps. They (the media) are running away from it now but the genie is already out of the bottle. Cunts in position of authority like school boards and heads of Universities aren’t helping by apologizing to students for the outcome of the election.

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Its great to have a man on the ground that knows what he is talking about to keep us in the loop, you have a great political instinct


Only white people can be racist or as we like to call ourselves “crackers”

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Nothing, which might be a good thing considering the appalling state public education is in. The morons in the existing Education department are more interested in converting all young people into PC correct sheep than teach them anything that might be useful in today’s economy.