US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

The Tories have a majority with 36% of the vote which is proportionally much more distorted than the number of seats Labour have compared to their vote share.

You must be a great man for a sesh when you’re not posting on here

Sid if championship hurling was 60 minutes Limerick would have won the 1994 all Ireland .

Irish people, as far as I am aware, are not calling for a jihad against the US (even if they were, nobody would take it seriously).

Mexico is not a race, it’s a country. Muslims are followers of Islam, not a race. What race is the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens?

Trump clarified his clumsy remarks during the campaign. Securing the borders to prevent violent criminals and terrorists entering the US is not racist. There is absolutely nothing that Trump has said that suggests he would support any discrimination against any minority currently living legally in the US.

Are you trying to argue that it’s not racist to differentiate against these groups of people because “they are not races”?

No. Do you mean discriminate?

What was your point then?

That racist is an incorrect term to use when discussing Trump’s stance on illegal immigrants and potential terrorists. He is definitely promoting differentiation and discrimination, but it’s nothing to do with race. What race was the jihadi paddy who was in the news last week?

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So you were trying to argue that it’s not racist to differentiate against these groups of people because “they are not races”?

No I’m arguing that racism isn’t even relevant in the conversation. One could argue for religious discrimination which at least is relevant.

You’re trying to redefine racism.

No you are. Racism is simply regarding one race as superior to another. Give me an example of where Trump has said anything that suggests white people are superior to any other race.

Wrong. You’re trying to redefine racism. Google it if you like. I’m out.


Stop offending the screaming mullallies.



this post may be flagged, but how and ever, niggas call each other niggas. a black president did fuck all for his brethern. the racism thing is over played. is calling a ginger, a paddy, a caffer or a brit cunt anything different?

You haven’t addressed my points.

You might not be aware but an Irishman blew himself up in a suicide bomb in Mosul last week.

Trump has incited hatred left, right and centre.

Things like this are the result, and no it wasn’t the Democrats who daubed it.

What’s becoming more and more apparent is that you have an inability to take the issue of racism seriously, and given that you’re clearly somebody with a reasonable degree of intelligence otherwise, I find that deeply depressing - you expect it from the trolling dregs around here.

Context, mate. You don’t really understand context, do you.

Kaffir is bona fide racist.

I think Jimmy Hill once tried to make a similar point you’re trying to make here with regard to “gingers”, and Stewart Lee skewered him, and now you, deliciously.

i do pal. but the so called PC brigade and people in general maybe not. saying for example that you dont like jews, Muslims, blacks, is what is perceived as racism. racism is more about a persecution of a people. the brits for example were racist towards us. the white man were racists towards the black man and the Indians, ausies & aborigines…