US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Shaun King :joy::joy::joy:

Henry Kissinger was on the BBC earlier discussing Trump. He was pretty confident that trump wonā€™t be long in coming round to doing what he is told when it comes to international policy and that really he wont have any choice in the matter.

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I understand context perfectly fine.

Did you consider John Terry calling Anton Ferdinand a ā€œblack cuntā€ to be racist?

The phrase ā€œPC brigadeā€ is the most hackneyed, cliched term around which is an attempt to shut down debate. Right-wingers have a whole playbook of these cliches. That chap in the audience who spoke during that vile Hopkins segment on the Late Late Show was a case in point. The chap literally could not speak without resorting to the playbook of cliches. Itā€™s almost like thereā€™s a factory somewhere producing these robo-conservative Hannity mini-mes who all say the exact same things in the exact same outraged manner. Who knows, maybe itā€™s in Ohio, maybe Trump set it up and maybe thatā€™s how he will ā€œbring the jobs back to the rust beltā€, an ever-accelerating production lines of robo-conservative clones.

How charming that youā€™re laughing at swastikas being daubed in public.

Itā€™s only a symbol, I guess, and canā€™t be racist.

Did you consider John Terry calling Anton Ferdinand a ā€œblack cuntā€ to be racist?
no pal, i dont. do you think being called a fenian cunt racism, or a baldy fucker?

Iā€™m laughing at you using Shaun King (no surprise you found that utter joker to find a few one off stories that fit your narrative).

Shaun King is a joke, I know you might have just found him in your latest googling session though so fair enough.

the cunt is probably right

Trump is going to be a huge disappointment for the screaming Maryā€™s.
Heā€™s going to do fine. Heā€™ll build bridges with the easily offended because heā€™s smart, and give it a year and the feminists will be frothing at the mouth out of boredom.

Society will divide more over there but who cares really, itā€™s a cesspit anyway and was never going to be repaired. The divide will become less about race and more to do with attitude towards democracy and intolerance. Trump will not be responsible for that because he is on the right side of it.

If you donā€™t consider Terry calling Ferdinand a ā€œblack cuntā€ to be racist, I canā€™t help you.

I consider the term ā€œFenian cuntā€ to be sectarian, although I might not be that put out about it personally, but it would depend on context.

No, pal. I donā€™t consider being called a baldy cunt racist, amazingly enough, although maybe you should ask @artfoley if he considers being called a ā€œslapheadā€ racist.

And I bet youā€™re laughing at the swastika too, you bottom feeding shit.

He believes the world is 5,000 years old, he should get a fucking lobotomy.

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Bald men arenā€™t a race but it is peladophobia

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Iā€™d address your points if you made any.

I take racism very seriously, one reason why I donā€™t like the term thrown around carelessly and incorrectly. Abuse or discrimination against anyone because of their skin color is abhorrent and indicative of uneducated morons. My own son has been the victim of racism this week, screamed at and swore at on a campus I support with my tax dollars. His crime? He is white, so inherently guilty of something.

The morons who wrote the slogan or carry out other offensive actions donā€™t need Trump to incite them, and they are protected by he first amendment unless they cross the line into violence. The only case so far I have seen involving violence was a group of black teenagers pulling an older white man out of his car and beating him unmercifully. Strangely I havenā€™t seen it on mainstream media.


Go ahead then lad, explain how your son was racially abused or are you just going to post vague made up shite and expect to get away with it?

Fair enough, and in line with the election, itā€™s best not to get hung up on one or two aspects of a person as youā€™ll miss what others see in 'em.

My point re. ā€œliterallyā€ is people know better than to use it all. For instance, I doubt anyone is standing behind, say, this: It bugs me how people cherry-pick the parts they feel they should live by and attribute it to religion and skip over the horrendous parts.

6,000 (and you criticizing people for inaccuracy).

This should be good.

How is ā€œFenian cuntā€ sectarian ??

He is on a campus where whites are a significant minority and where most whites are ashamed of being white. He suffered verbal abuse this week from fellow students. I realize you canā€™t believe this can happen as in your weirdo gangsta Cork hip hop world only blacks are oppressed.

He isnā€™t going to explain anything. He just made up two stories to try and rationalise the outburst of racism in the wake of Trumpā€™s election. Pathetic.