US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

If this was all planned, if insulting minorities, people with disabilities and the holiest of all American shrines the military was all a plan to win then it is arguably the greatest political strategy of all time. I dont give them that much credit. He fell over the line as hillary was so odious. Saying he doesn’t want to live in the white house, threatening the media etc shows he never contemplated actually winning as he has no idea what way to turn now.

Yeah, he has no interest in the realities of the job.

She really was a terrible candidate. He still played it well though. Appalling and all as he is, he got over the line.

He’ll do it his way.

Pot. Kettle. Black. From the man who made ‘chinky’ jokes about Asian golfers. Was it just locker room banter? Or is it only racist against blacks?

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He has an awful racist way about him.

@Sidney hates Asians. He is anti democracy. He hates white americans. He ridicules autistic people. He is intolerant to other peoples views.

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and poor tassotti was banned for two weeks for saying he went to a sex museum in Amsterdam. You’d have to question @Rocko 's motives when he allows Sid spread his hate filled bile in every thread.


I noticed that and considered flagging the post. The only thing that stopped me was that @anon7035031, having totally destroyed @Sidney in this thread, might start getting a big head. Maybe letting @Sidney’s rage boil over into the odd racist outburst will be good in the long run? I’m probably overthinking it and should have just flagged the fucking post.

People thought the same about sidneys idol hitler, sure what harm can he do, let him rant away. Is history doomed to repeat itself?

He has been going on a lot about swastikas of late. Is he a filthy nazi? Christ, it takes all sorts I suppose.

Dreadful bants

I feel very unsettled to think there are people like him living in my home town. We need better border control. I suspect he came in through Roscommon.

The selfish_shadow_of_his_former_self rows in behind one of his few remaining allies. :joy:

Sid is destroying about 8 posters on here with ease

Help is not needed

No, he’s like a malfunctioning robot.

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No.he is destroying the borg

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All politicians are mate. Mafia wouldn’t get a look In

What’s this about the Borg?

Sorry for jumping in here bud, but sid is not ‘anti democracy’. Especially if you are talking about the farce that took place in the us

Up until now the meltdown of @Sidney has been very entertaining to observe.

However, it is concerning that there now seems to be serious anger and hate driving Sid.

Sid has even been posting articles comparing the First Lady to an ‘_ in heels’. This is completely unacceptable and more than borderline racist from @Sidney