US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Trump won an election that nobody gave him a chance to. He was an outsider to the establishment, and rightly or wrongly, alienated by the party he ran for. Its no surprise really that he’s not currently prepared for office. However, that is why there is a handover period. These hacks trying to make articles of out his ill preparedness would be better off asking why an outsider, someone so “toxic” could gazump all their political analysts.

The seething levels in America right now among the snowflakes and entitled generation must be fucking off the charts all the same.


Wasn’t this debunked as over a parking/traffic dispute and the people recording saying “he voted Trump” were just acting the bollocks?

No, that’s more snowflake denial.


Of course it is.


The level of ape that wants everyone to think they are sticking up for the planet or for humanity by expressing some firm of outrage at the citizens of the US exercising their democratic right is well summed up by this fella here.

Seething with the notion that Trump would build a wall and seething then that he wouldn’t.

I’m going with democracy myself. I don’t give two fucks what some prick in Today FM or some depressed wanker behind a keyboard thinks is right or wrong here I’m going with democracy.


@Rocko @Bandage for the love of God please close this thread. It would make your eyes bleed. Even @Nembo_Kid wouldn’t have the stamina for this shit.

I can’t decide if Trump is a genius or conman.

You really have to acknowledge his achievement.

Little did Obama realise how this would come back to bite him.

All through the campaign we’ve been told by you and @anon7035031 that race is not a factor in Trump’s appeal or his methods.

And lo and behold, once he wins, his supporters engage in an orgy of triumphalist racism.

You’re the one who was laughing at a swastika being daubed on a wall.

You’re the one who really should be explaining what their stance is - one can make assumptions about what it is.

By your own definition it clearly doesn’t - because nowhere did it mention race - it mentions an individual.

You don’t even understand your own definition of racism and the implications of it.

Some people are racist? Wow, hold the phone!

I didn’t laugh at that, I laughed at you for following Shaun King. Along with your consistant posting of articles from Salon you’re a parody at this stage. For someone who likes to say others must read Breitbart all day, you follow and post the lefty hysterical equivalents with gay abandon.

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It was quite clear what you were laughing at. Not only are you a parody, you’re an anti-semitic, racist parody, laughing at a swastika.

Yes, some people are racist, well worked out. You support the candidate who legitimised that racism and who has now appointed a white supremacist and anti-semite to a key cabinet position.

Engage in deliberate false equivalence as regards sources all you want, keep sticking your fingers in your ears and stay deaf to reality because you don’t like sources.

You’ll have to do better than this Sidney. When someone calls you a snowflake, parody or whatever, coming back with the same insult is just a bit shit.

Again, you’ll point out where I laughter at the swastica please?

Again, it was pointed out to you time and time again during the campaign about HRC’s dog whistling over Obama in 2007. Ignored of course by yourself. Trump wanting for the US to control its borders is the big evil and brandishing him a racist is easier than showing a bit of critical thinking.

There is no “false equivalence” from me. You won’t find me posting Breitbart articles but you claim everyone who disagrees with you must read it. Then you go and post Salon articles. You’ll be quoted the Southern Poverty Law Centre next. You have no self awareness whatsoever.


You are anti democracy which is a very dangerous stance for any individual to take in the 21st century. You are a democracy denier and in turn a clear fascist. Its very very disturbing that you cannot allow a nation to exercise simple democracy without behaving like a deranged fascist.
There is very clear evidence here that you could only accept and be content with anarchism as a form of political government. Basically you are an anarchist, albeit an online anarchist, but an extremely dangerous and sick individual all the same.

You know full well where you laughed at it.

There you go again with the false equivalence.

No please link it there Sidney. I laughed at Shaun King.


And no, there is none. Salon et al are hysterical jokes of websites which you love to link.

You laughed at a message he posted which showed a swastika daubed on a wall.

Own your racism - at least be honest about it, you dog whistling shit.

You laugh at any source which might shine a light on truths you find uncomfortable.

The standard tactic of racists in denial about what they are.

Slightly odd, but vaguely entertaining frankie Boyle show currently on iplayer about the election.

Link the message there.

You have been reported for racism at least once already today.

You need to get in line because your anger is completely out of control.