US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Shooh dey ah.

I see @Sidney has gotten up out of bed. 1pm, right on queue. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Crooked Hillary’s tangled web is beginning to unravel…

The self destruction of the Democratic Party and left wing extremist’s is gaining momentum.

The dole queue? It’s cue, you fucking moron :laughing:

You clearly took your smart tablets this morning :joy:

Some is snookered here !!


Ashman in the orange top 3 mins in

I’m not mistaken chief

Regardless of what side one takes, the odds must be tumbling on Donald telling the whole lot of them to fuck off before the end of March.


You wouldn’t understand. You’re Lithuanian mate

For anyone with 15 minutes to spare this is a good read. Deconstructs the media’s reaction to trumps election and the claims that he is a racist white supremacist homophobe and those that support him are as well.


Ann coulter pointing out the these people that the GOP are the party that has battled to secure civil rights for African American’s. The liberals are not happy that they have backed the wrong party and the wrong candidate.

Goes without saying that Nikki Haley is an interesting pick for UN Ambassador. Sets her up nicely for a run at the White House in the future. She’ll be far away enough from domestic affairs to get away with any economic turbulence and will get lots of credit once it’s seen that Trump isn’t starting wars everywhere. Combined with her popularity in her State and respect she got from the liberal east coast media, she is set up very nicely. It doesn’t always work like that in US politics though…

Great to see Ben Carson get a job, well deserved.

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Great news :+1:

Typical GOP, supporting the wonderful African American community :clap::clap::clap::us::us::us:


That’s a good article but I’d have some serious concerns about its selectiveness. It also relies heavily on circular arguments - counting the number of black voters suggests Trump wasn’t racist but at the same time he’s arguing that Trump was unfairly portrayed as racist. So did the voters not read these stories?

I think he generally puts forward a decent case for overreaction but his thoughts on what constitutes racism seem a bit too specific and explicit and projecting from one vote in Louisiana and the numbers of members of online communities is relying too heavily on small and questionable data sets.

The fact that minority’s voted in greater numbers for Trump than they did for Romney and McCain, says more about their opinion of obama’s failed policies than it does about their love for President-Elect Trump.

Is she hot?

The objections and recounts have begun.