US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

He’s building the wall as well. Or at least signing an order to do it. Even though he can’t allocate any money to it. #optics

A common sense approach, keep up the good work President Trump.

Not defending trump but would that not have been the first order of business for the republicans anyway. With all the hysteria around him I think its being forgotten that the republicans hold the majority of power in most of the states now. It’s actually a great bit of luck for them that everyone is focussing on trump. When he goes or is pushed out (which I think is likely before his term is up) they will still be running things and the likes of pence if he were to be in power would be just as bad if not worse than him.

Republicans won most votes in presidential election in 30 of the 51 states/DC.
Republicans hold 32 governors in the 50 states

SNL writer Katie Rich was sacked from her role after she tweeted last week that Barron Trump would be “this country’s first homeschool shooter”

Thats quite funny tbf.

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Hoisted by their own politically correct petard.

He’s now proposing a major investigation into his own claim that there was massive voter fraud, for which there is no evidence. Can’t wait to see how this goes.

On the scale of evil, banning refugees from war torn countries you helped destabilise has to be pretty high though. Then claiming that they are cowards who are ‘running’ takes it up yet another notch.



Exhibit A:

Marco Rubio brought up the size of trump’s hands.

trump himself made it an issue by responding furiously. And then made the size of his penis an issue.

I didn’t see you complaining at the constant conspiracy theories surrounding Hillary Clinton’s health.

But then when you’re living in a bubble, I guess you’ll see what you want to see.

There is more anti-semitism amongst Trump’s support than amongst the support of any US presidential candidate in living memory.

Trump appealed to racial bigotry in a manner no US presidential candidate since George Wallace has done.

Hatred mobilises support better than anything else in politics. Mobilising hatred is his central modus operandum.

President Trump’s popularity continues to grow among those previously against him. The anti-democracy protesters have turned a lot of people away from the dems.

Anybody any shares in Roadstone?

Kelly Ann Conway takes no shit .

Fixed that for you, bud.

An amazingly productive 3 days so far from our amazingly brilliant U.S president. :+1::us::ireland:

Left wing extremists are seething :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

No one fucks with KAC . KAC will replace check Norris in those jokes .

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CRH are on the move. I was sceptical but …

KAC is certainly an appropriate description of what she says in interviews.

Trump’s daughter is registered to vote in two states as well :joy:

Voter fraud being uncovered already.