US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

FFS :smile:

This clown has to be Putinā€™s puppet.

The Oscars Award Ceremony is going to be some hate fest this year .

And so what if Rubio did or didnā€™t? (It goes long back here)

Iā€™m not defending Trump here, I am pointing out the media continuing to obsess over his image.

That you fail to see the silliness in how they are reporting him is baffling.

Where is the anti Semitism?

Please show it?

We have already established the twitter stuff as marginal nonsense. Even still, can we compare that to even 10 years ago? Of course not, no comparison can be drawn.

Going back to other points on Trumpā€™s campaign I see which are not relevant, please point out the anti Semitism.

Are you actually claiming that the US wasnā€™t a more anti Semitic country in the 19th century and early 20th? :joy::joy::joy:

Bernhard Langer. :clap:

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Seriously? :smile:

If, hypothetically, supporters of Jeremy Corbyn were coming out with the stuff Trump supporters have come out with and Corbyn played dumb youā€™d probably be calling for the Labour Party to be banned.

Youā€™re not far off that already, come to think of it.

You must be terribly old if you have living memory of the late 19th century.

Although with most of your political views, it makes sense.

I havenā€™t heard about a leader of a country making a tit of himself over a Ryder Cup golfer like this since Biffo drunkenly did an impression of Philip Walton.

He is creating a fair rod for his back with this wall. Expects to start it immediately?

Funny funny shit. Langher must be sitting at home wondering what in the fuckā€¦

Of course it would be particularly difficult situation for a high profile German to be aligned with the Trump support

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Can we get a recap of what Trump has done so far - Banned funding abortion, banned refugees from war torn countries in which the us started the war, has censored scientists from speaking publiclyā€¦ has gone against the law of the land and ordered the dakota pipeline go ahead.

Early signs of a dictatorship. I wish our American friends well ā€¦ spambot will be on with a thumbs up any minute now


The markets are booming yet again this morning.

God bless you President Trump and God bless your market rally :clap:

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Heā€™s not fucking around anyway, this must be the most work heā€™s ever done. Itā€™s almost like his puppet masters are expecting an impeachment so ramming through all they can beforehand. Heā€™ll spend billions on a wall that might take more than ten years to build and will be abandoned immediately by his successor.

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It took him only 5 minutes.

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Itā€™s going to be epic, and will hopefully continue the trend of turning people away from the hard left.

Trump has come out and stated torture works :joy: - Has this guy copped that he is a statesman yet?

These ISIS guys know no other way.

So what if the guys weā€™re torturing turn out to be innocent. To win war, you must become war.

What war? They are backing ISIS in one country, against them in another.

My apologies, I misquoted

Itā€™s gas the way every time he signs an order Trump gets all the other chumps to stand in the room behind him so that there can never be any denial of collective responsibility

Scott Adams blog is great on trump. Has made lots of good calls about how he operates and will operate. A master persuader he calls him who is pacing and leading in the manner Tony Robbins (who advised Clinton) or similar is advising him.