US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Has Tiny Hands yet clarified whether he thinks torture works on just Muslims, or on everybody?

Does it work on US citizens captured in Middle Eastern countries, for instance?

Sean Spicer just tweeted and then deleted this:

The nuclear codes?

He’s a great man for the twitter all the same. He’s been having a twitter feud with dippin dots ice cream for a while now

He has a weird orbit chewing gum habit too

I see NASA and the American scientific community have told Trump to go and fuck.

The young lads back in the old country getting very hot headed about d’aul us election. Sidney and Tim Riggers wouldn’t know the US from UK.

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As a liberal i agree with torture on terrorists, but not suspected terrorists until proven otherwise.

Sean Spicer is another gift that keeps giving. He truly is Trumps puppet.

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I reckon Trump will be the first US President since Frank Underwood to take a bullet.

It’s like an episode of Dallas or Falcon Crest.

Or Funny Farm.

Well we are fucked if he does because pence is full on mental

Pence not the full shilling ???

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George W. Bush couldn’t tell the difference between Iraq and Iran or between Afghanistan and Eminem’s “Stan” but it didn’t stop him invading both of those those places, mate.

One of the unintended consequences of a trade war with Mexico is that it would be very damaging to the Californian farming market.
They’ve basically destroyed Mexican farming since the NAFTA agreement came in, dumping cheap corn, manufactured using modern equipment and cheap Mexican labour on the Mexican market which the Mexicans couldn’t compete with. Meaning more and more Mexican farmers were forced north of the border searching for work further pushing down the cost of labour to the US farmers and making Mexican farmers even less competitive.
Capitalism, it’s a hell of a drug.
Mexico has done horrendously vs comparable Latin American countries since joining NAFTA, they’d be better off out of it.

That should stir up enough hate to bring in a few deportation laws.

That is simply irresponsible is there anyone with a scrap of sense in that cabinet?

It wont come from the civil servants either it appears. Last one out, turns off the lights.

Donald Trump Campaign Staffer Who Posted Racist Comments Joins The Administration