US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

The lightning stat is incorrect.

As tyrants take control of democracies, they typically:

  1. Exaggerate their mandate to govern — claiming, for example, that they won an election by a landslide even after losing the popular vote.

  2. Repeatedly claim massive voter fraud in the absence of any evidence, in order to restrict voting in subsequent elections.

  3. Call anyone who opposes them “enemies.”

  4. Turn the public against journalists or media outlets that criticize them, calling them “deceitful” and “scum.”

  5. Hold few if any press conferences, preferring to communicate with the public directly through mass rallies and unfiltered statements.

  6. Tell the public big lies, causing them to doubt the truth and to believe fictions that support the tyrants’ goals.

  7. Blame economic stresses on immigrants or racial or religious minorities, and foment public bias and even violence against them.

  8. Attribute acts of domestic violence to “enemies within,” and use such events as excuses to beef up internal security and limit civil liberties.

  9. Threaten mass deportations, registries of religious minorities and refugees bans.

  10. Seek to eliminate or reduce the influence of competing centers of power, such as labor unions and opposition parties.

  11. Appoint family members to high positions of authority.

  12. Surround themselves with their own personal security force rather than a security detail accountable to the public.

  13. Put generals into top civilian posts.

  14. Make personal alliances with foreign dictators.

  15. Draw no distinction between personal property and public property, profiteering from their public office.

Jesus, you’ve made your point. Repeatedly. We get it.

The election is over and Trump won.

No flies on you, eh?

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Post after post won’t alter that fact.

I wasn’t aware I was trying to deny the reality that Tiny Hands is president.

You, on the other hand, appear quite happy to deny the reality that he’s a fascist thug.

Too much reading Brendan O’Connor, I’d bet.

Where have I denied anything?

You are the one making a fool of yourself, like a child who can’t accept the result of a democratic vote in another country. Stomping their feet until they get their own way.

It’s getting a bit tiresome.


I always think of this post when Sidney is railing against the many rabid fascists/bigots/Trump supporters/whatever phantom menace du jour he invariably encounters on here.

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Tremendous insight there, and tremendous originality at the same time.

Go away and rail against something really worth railing against, mate. Like, say, Munster rugby.

Which your railing against isn’t at all tiresome. :wink:

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We can all agree ol djt has had a polarizing effect on all nations. Somewhere in the galaxy little green men are having a good skit at all this.

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A Tory MP is banned from entering the USA. He should really get onto his party leader. She’s got great moral clarity and I’m sure will do something about it.

No wonder Tiny Hands loves the Russians:

The poor fuckers at Homeland Security must have severe migraines and it only a week into the regime.

It’s all kicking off at JFK by the looks of it. Loads of protestors out there going bannanas over green card holders and citizens being refused entry to states. Yellow cab drivers going on strike for an hour in protest. Barmy stuff

Far from barmy stuff in the circumstances, I would have thought.

Not suggesting the strike is barmy, rather the entirely bizarre situation that’s led to this. Some patriot will take one for the team one of these days and do a number on DT

Entirely bizarre situation?

Trump won the election…

I don’t think I suggested he didn’t?

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Some patriot will take one for the team and do a number on DT is a bizarre statement…

Is it? Do you think it is that outlandish that some true blue American won’t decide to kill Trump?

They kill their school pals for far less.